What you can do to STOP the NEXT WAR NOW!

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Sep 26, 2007, 7:39:48 AM9/26/07
to freepa...@googlegroups.com

September 26, 2007

Dear Citizens' Initiative ,

CODEPINK at ColumbiaThis week, everyone is buzzing about Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's visit to New York. CODEPINK was outside both his talk at Columbia and his address to the UN General Assembly. While we don't agree with many of the things he said, we want to remind everyone that Ahmadinejad, doesn't represent the Iranian people just as President Bush doesn't represent us. So what do we as citizens do when our leadership fails us so miserably? We rise up. We take action. We show that citizen diplomacy can be the voice of reason that forces leaders to talk to each other and prevent war.

CODEPINK has created a Prevent War with Iran page filled with simple, effective actions you can do to help stop the next war now. We are highlighting two of those actions this week:

Download our No War With Iran sign and place it in your window at home and work, or carry it out on the street, to remind people that we have the power to prevent this war.

Write a Letter to the Editor, using our sample letter or your own heart-felt message, to make your desire for peace heard in a public forum.

We also urge you to call your Reps early and often (House and Senate, 202 224 3121) and tell them to vote NO on bombing Iran. There is some scary legislation on the table (especially the Kyl-Lieberman amendment) that could lead to an imminent attack; we need to quash it immediately.

Other actions on our Iran page include getting your town to pass a resolution encouraging diplomacy, not war, with Iran; inviting someone from our speakers bureau to speak about Iran in your community; going on a citizens' diplomacy trip to Iran; and signing our petitions to Congress and the UN Security Council.

Whichever actions you choose to take, be sure to educate yourself with Phyllis Bennis' talking points about why we shouldn't attack Iran. The more we understand the issue, the more we'll be able to reach people, to change minds and prevent war.

Thank you for helping us Stop the Next War Now!

With ever-renewed determination and hope,
Dana, Desiree, Farida, Gael, Gayle, Jodie, Karin, Liz, Medea, Nancy, Pamela, Patricia, Rae, Samantha, and Vanessa

P.S. Be a walking billboard for peace by wearing our Stop the Next War Now shirts, available in unisex tees and sheer jersey cap sleeves. And to learn even more strategies for how to prevent future conflict, order our book Stop the Next War Now.

Visit our Prevent War with Iran page

Download our
No War With Iran sign to put in your window or hold on the street

Write a Letter
to the Editor

Call your Reps
(House and Senate,
202 224 3121) and tell them to vote NO on bombing Iran

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