Behavioral Health CPT codes

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sole practitioner

Mar 9, 2013, 6:41:34 PM3/9/13
As I'm sure some of you are aware, CPT codes changed Jan 1 for behavioral health.  Will anything bad happen if I simply delete the old codes from the list?  For instance, I will no longer be using 90806, but that CPT is of course tied to any number of old claims.  If I delete that from the list, and I want to go back and review an old claim, will something break?  Thanks.  -tbh  (running 0.8.5 on an older Debian machine)


Mar 11, 2013, 2:28:35 PM3/11/13
to FreeMED Support
On Sat, Mar 9, 2013 at 1:41 PM, sole practitioner <> wrote:
As I'm sure some of you are aware, CPT codes changed Jan 1 for behavioral health.  Will anything bad happen if I simply delete the old codes from the list?  For instance, I will no longer be using 90806, but that CPT is of course tied to any number of old claims.  If I delete that from the list, and I want to go back and review an old claim, will something break?  Thanks.  -tbh  (running 0.8.5 on an older Debian machine)

Sorry for the delay in response -- weekend stuff.

You shouldn't remove any CPT database entries ; that will indeed break your historical data.

 I had added a field "cptarchive", which when set to a non-zero value sets the entry to be "archived", so that it is no longer used for active entries.

I can backport that patch to the 0.8.x series if it's causing you excessive pain.

FreeMED Software Foundation, Inc
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