Deleted my and FGSEA githubs

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Andrew Kane

Mar 1, 2017, 11:38:44 PM3/1/17
Because I'm a Joey Hess fanboy lacking critical thinking skills, I've
deleted my GitHub account in response to changes in their TOS to which
he alludes here:

If you don't know Joey, you'll probably find some of the software you
use here: He's that guy.

In deleting my own account I had to also delete the freegeekseattle
organization account. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

In the near future I expect to stand up my own git[webapp] to have a
globally-accessible mirror of my own public projects. When I have done
so I will announce it on the FGSEA list.

I hope this finds you all well. I've been taking in and dismantling
discarded computer stuff on my own since FGSEA stopped meeting, and I'm
making a half-hearted effort to track the resulting parts inventory on
the wiki. If you are looking for any parts, check out and maybe you'll find
something there. Not yet listed are the parts of my most recent desktop
and some other fairly newish parts. I'm offering these things for free
if anyone wants them, but will gladly accept money or in-kind if you
insist ☺

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