Best selling Author on Servlets and JSP, Marty Hall, to Keynote at GIDS 2010

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Mar 5, 2010, 6:16:29 AM3/5/10
to Free Computer, Engineering, Mathematics, Technical Books
Marty Hall is an expert on JSP, servlets, Jakarta Struts, JSF, Ajax,
GWT and Java programming. He is the author of six popular books on
Java and Web technology that have been worldwide bestsellers, been
translated into 15 languages, as well as being reprinted in English in
India. Marty is coming this summer to India's biggest summit for the
software developer ecosystem -- Great Indian Developer Summit (http:// -- to conduct a keynote address comparing
various approaches to building rich Internet applications with Ajax.
Although it is widely used in diverse types of Web applications, Ajax
development is difficult, and there are several fundamentally
different strategies to building Ajaxified Web applications. At GIDS
2010, to be held 20-23 April in Bangalore, Marty's keynote address
will survey the three most important of these approaches: using an
Ajax-enabled JavaScript library such as jQuery, Prototype,
Scriptaculous, Dojo or Ext/JS, using a Web framework such as JSF 2.0
or Struts 2 that has integrated Ajax support, and using the Google Web
Toolkit (GWT) to build "pure Java" Ajax applications. The talk will
compare and contrast these three approaches, discussing the types of
applications that fit best for each option.

At GIDS Marty will also conduct several in-depth sessions -- comparing
the most popular JavaScript libraries to help choose the best Ajax/
JavaScript Toolkit that fits your needs, explaining how Version 2.0 of
the Google Web Toolkit works and the types of applications for which
it is best suited, teaching how with JSF 2.0 developers can Ajaxify
their applications with little or no JavaScript programming, and
discussing the powerful yet relatively simple tools the Prototype
library provides for various types of Ajax requests.

Marty has authored Core Servlets and JavaServer Pages, More Servlets
and JavaServer Pages and Core Web Programming. Core Servlets and JSP
is the single most popular book on servlets and JSP internationally,
was selected by as one of the best five computer
programming books of the year, has been the overall weekly #1
bestseller at nine different times, and spent more than
six months as one of the top 10 best-selling computer-related books at and at Borders stores. He has given lectures and training
courses in seven countries and dozens of US venues, including speaking
five times at JavaOne. He also directs the Java and Web technology
concentration areas in the Johns Hopkins University part-time graduate
program in Computer Science. Marty is the president of, a US-based consulting and training company focused
on Ajax and Java EE.

Every year, GIDS is a game changer for several thousands of IT
professionals, providing them with a competitive edge over their
peers, enlightening them with bleeding-edge information most useful in
their daily jobs, helping them network with world-class experts and
visionaries, and providing them with a much needed thrust in their
careers. Attend Great Indian Developer Summit to gain the information,
education and solutions you seek. From post-conference workshops,
breakout sessions by expert instructors, keynotes by industry
heavyweights, enhanced networking opportunities, and more.

thi phuong hoa nguyen

Apr 21, 2010, 10:01:17 AM4/21/10
to Free Computer, Engineering, Mathematics, Technical Books

On Mar 5, 6:16 pm, Shaguf <> wrote:
> Marty Hall is an expert on JSP, servlets, Jakarta Struts, JSF, Ajax,
> GWT and Java programming. He is the author of six popular books on
> Java and Web technology that have been worldwide bestsellers, been
> translated into 15 languages, as well as being reprinted in English in
> India. Marty is coming this summer to India's biggest summit for the
> software developer ecosystem -- Great Indian Developer Summit ( -- to conduct a keynote address comparing
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