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online coverage tool

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neil johnson

Oct 22, 2015, 12:42:42 PM10/22/15
to Freecellera
y'all, I've got a new pet project. I'm looking for some feedback and figured this might be a good group to ask. it's an online coverage app that let's you build custom coverage models for common protocols. temporarily at: it's pretty slim/rough/basic so far but as of last night I think good enough to get the idea. anyway, if you've got a few minutes to tinker and lend an opinion, I'd appreciate it. I'm honestly not sure what the end goal is, but I've discovered web development is fun and it's a chance to brush up on my python skills so I'm rolling with it.

thanks in advance.


Bryan Murdock

Oct 23, 2015, 12:34:26 AM10/23/15
to neil johnson, Freecellera
Pretty cool! Are you generating the SV code with pure hand-written
python or are you using any kind of template system?

Are you using a web framework like Django or Flask? What about the
front-end, are you using one the millions of javascript frameworks?
Which one?

The comics are a nice touch :-)

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Bryan Murdock

Oct 23, 2015, 12:35:51 AM10/23/15
to neil johnson, Freecellera
I just noticed the links to register and log in. Is there more
functionality available if I do that?


neil johnson

Oct 23, 2015, 12:42:30 AM10/23/15
to Bryan Murdock, Freecellera
it's django. super easy. I took a few nights to do a tutorial and that was enough to be dangerous. the styling is bootstrap with a bit of basic javascript, also fairly easy to learn. I took some shortcuts with the sv code, which I'll need to upgrade. just wanted something that works for now to see if people think it's useful.

what's there now is what I considered the minimum. registration/login *was* part of the minimum until a colleague pointed out it was annoying and I really didn't need it for feedback. so right now, the registration and login work but there's no extras (1 example is being able add new coverpoints and save your work).


Bryan Morris

Oct 23, 2015, 7:30:21 AM10/23/15
to neil johnson, Freecellera

Very nice! Great idea for boilerplate code.  

I had similar questions as the other BryanM, and what little I know about Django means they can likely all be answered.

The one initial question/thought bubble I had is: is it the intent that once I create a new coverage model for some standard protocol FooBar, I can then share it with the world?  That way a) someone else interested in FooBar won't have to start from scratch, and potentially make it better by adding new cov points, and b) we get the power and benefits of a developing 'crowd-sourced' coverage models, and c) you'll get the power of marketing using meaningless buzzwords like 'crowd-sourced'.

Cool one, Neil.

-- Bryan

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Bryan Morris, P.Eng.
Dad to a select few
General Nuisance to Many

Bryan Murdock

Oct 23, 2015, 10:00:43 AM10/23/15
to neil johnson, Freecellera
Cool. Django and bootstrap are super nice for us beginners.

One thing that strikes me this morning is the "Download your IP" part.
I know we throw around the term IP *a lot* in EDA (I'll save my full
rant on that for later), what does it mean here? Some source code,
right? I presume you hold the copyright and you are licensing it each
person who dowloads? What are the terms of the license? Is it a
standard Open Source license that allows commercial use, such as MIT
or BSD? That'd probably be the simplest way to go.


neil johnson

Oct 23, 2015, 11:05:16 AM10/23/15
to Bryan Morris, Freecellera
yes is the short answer. anything custom people make goes into the library (format tbd) so other people can use it. when I started, crowd-sourced coverage is/was pretty much what I'm shooting for so consider this a first step toward that.


neil johnson

Oct 23, 2015, 11:07:08 AM10/23/15
to Bryan Murdock, Freecellera
licensing just moved to the top of the list of things I forgot about :). thanks for pointing it out.


Neil Johnson

Oct 29, 2015, 10:32:35 AM10/29/15
to Bryan Murdock, Freecellera
All. I put up a final first cut last night at 2am. This'll be what goes public in about a week. Thx Bryan and Bryan for the input. It's in there.

Sent from my iPhone

Bryan Murdock

Oct 31, 2015, 5:00:05 PM10/31/15
to Neil Johnson, Freecellera
Nice! I'll mention it at work and see if anyone bites :-)


Neil Johnson

Oct 31, 2015, 5:21:35 PM10/31/15
to Bryan Murdock, Freecellera
Thanks Bryan. If you hold off a few days I'm going to create a new tools sub domain for agilesoc. Be very happy to have you point people to it!

Sent from my iPhone

Bryan Murdock

Oct 31, 2015, 5:26:22 PM10/31/15
to Neil Johnson, Freecellera
OK, fine :-)


neil johnson

Nov 19, 2015, 2:51:25 AM11/19/15
to Bryan Murdock, Freecellera
ok bryan. after about 3 hours worth of failed server configurations, I think it's all fixed up. you can point your work buddies at


Bryan Murdock

Nov 19, 2015, 12:49:41 PM11/19/15
to neil johnson, Freecellera
Cool. I passed on the link.

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