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orconf 2016

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Olof Kindgren

Jun 20, 2016, 5:09:08 PM6/20/16
to Freecellera
Hi Freecellerists,

I would like to inform that the orconf 2016 is now open for registration at
I'd love to see as many of you as possible there for three days of talks, discussions and fistfights over Open Source Silicon.

I will also be at the next RISC-V workshop, doing a poster session on FuseSoC, so if you're there, make sure to pop by and say hi. I'll be in Boston the whole week, so if there is anything else going on there at the time, let me know


Puneet Goel

Jun 29, 2016, 4:16:05 AM6/29/16
to Olof Kindgren, Freecellera
Hello Olof

Thanks for the information on this years ORConf program.
I just made a proposal for a talk at the conference. I hope I am not late responding.

- Puneet

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Olof Kindgren

Jun 29, 2016, 8:12:40 AM6/29/16
to Freecellera,
Hi Puneet,

Great to hear that my message here reached a new audience. Looking forward to see you at orconf and here more about your project


Ouabache Designworks

Jul 2, 2016, 11:49:32 AM7/2/16
to Freecellera

I would love to go but 14 hours on a plane is a lot for these old bones unless I can get someone to pay for business class. I won't even be able to make Boston this month. 

Olaf, Do talk to Rick O'Conner when you get to the RISV conference. We need something like ORConf on this side of the pond and the RISCV meetings could easily grow into a more generic conference and meet that need.
There are a lot of little groups doing open sourced hardware and if we could all get into the same room it would be useful.

John Eaton

Olof Kindgren

Jul 3, 2016, 7:15:26 AM7/3/16
to Freecellera

Hi John,

Yes, we are aware of the long distance between our contintents. We try to invite people from your side of the world every year, but most of them cite the same reasons. We have talked about taking the orconf roadshow to the US for several years actually to round up all the interesting projects on the left side of the pond, but as the core team is located in Europe and we have so many projects here as well, we haven't really had a good enough reason to make the move. I'll make sure to talk to Rick about it, but my feeling is that they are mostly interested in keeping RISC-V front and center. Hopeully I'm wrong since, despite what it looks like in the news, there are tons of interesting projects other than RISC-V that deserve some attention. Let's keep this thought, and perhaps we could run this as a FOSSi Foundation event when things are settling down here.

Sorry to hear that you won't make it to Boston. You have a long history in this field and it would be fun to sit down and talk a bit. I'll make sure to give you a note if I happen to pass by your area

Ouabache Designworks

Jul 3, 2016, 1:23:38 PM7/3/16
to Freecellera


Rick's position is that he runs the RISC-V foundation that was started at the 2nd meeting because UC Berkeley wanted to get rid of the job of setting up and running the meetings. As you know that can be a lot of work. Rick is also in charge of the Rapid-io foundation so he is experienced with soliciting sponsorships.

RISCV is following the same path as openrisc in that it started as a user group meeting but soon grew by attracting users from other projects with similar interests. It would be great to have a conference with multiple projects along with EDA tool and support projects as well. The biggest problem with sharing code is that everyone rolls their own tools flows. Getting some standardization on open source tool flows would make things a lot easier.

John Eaton

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