Placement Aptitude Questions

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Praxis Groups

Dec 12, 2015, 3:48:18 AM12/12/15
Campus Recruitment (Book + Online)
Aptitude Questions Asked in 'Infosys '
  1. An athlete decides to run the same distance in 1/4th less time that she usually took. By how much percent will she have to increase her average speed?

  2. A number when divided by D leaves a remainder of 8 and when divided by 3D leaves a remainder of 21. What is the remainder left, when twice the number is divided by 3D?

  3. A toy train produces at least 10 different tunes when it moves around a circular toy track of radius 5m at 10 m/min. However, the toy train is defective and it now produces only 2 different tunes at random. What are the odds that toy train produces 6 consecutive music tunes of the same type.

  4. A digital wristwatch was set accurately at 8.30 a.m. and then lost 2 seconds every 5 minutes. What time was indicated on the watch at 6.30 p.m. of the same day if the watch operated continuously that time?

  5. A 5 liter jug contains 4 liters of a saltwater solution that is 15 percent salt. If 1.5 liters of the solution splits out of jug, and the jug is then filled to capacity with water, approximately what percent of the resulting solution in the jug is salt?
Answers: (1)33.33% (2)3 (3)1/32 (4)6:26 pm (5) 7.5%
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