Input function behavior when there is existing value

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Oct 5, 2023, 11:36:54 AM10/5/23
to Free42 & Plus42
Hi! I apologize in advance if this is a RTFM problem. I am using the INPUT function in Plus42 like I did in Free42, but I noticed that in Plus42 I have to clear the existing value before entering a new one, whereas in Free42 I could simply overwrite it with the new value. Am I doing something wrong?

Thomas Okken

Oct 5, 2023, 12:28:32 PM10/5/23
to Free42 & Plus42
You don't have to clear the existing value, you can just enter a new one. The previous value will be pushed into the Y register when the new one is entered. This works the same in Plus42 as in Free42.
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