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Ricevo quantità enormi di supercazzole quantizzate e non .... che non ho richiesto

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Feb 20, 2024, 1:56:56 AM2/20/24
e di comici reactionless kappella drives :-)

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su imbeccata di questa manica d'asini
che telecomanda Bergin
Rifate questi test PNN invece di rompere il kazzo con le cagate quantizzate

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Electrostatic accelerated electrons within symmetric capacitors during field emission condition events exert bidirectional propellant-less thrust
Ankur S. Bhatt, F.M. Becker
During internal discharge (electrical breakdown by field emission transmission) thin symmetric capacitors accelerate slightly towards the anode; an anomaly that does not appear obvious using standard physics. Various thicknesses of discharging capacitors have been used to demonstrate and better characterize this phenomenon. It was observed that it is possible to reverse the force by adding conductive materials in the immediate proximity of the cathode when physically separated from the anode (thus not galvanically connected). Conversely, the addition of conductive materials in the area surrounding the anode did not alter the original force observed. The data gathered seems to confirm a phenomenon that could be exploited for propulsion purposes, in particular for fuel-less applications in a vacuum. The results could be correlated to an external cause which appear to be influenced by the particles' acceleration. Overall, the preliminary results are encouraging for practical engineering purposes.
24 pages, added data, corrected typos
Applied Physics (
Cite as:
arXiv:1810.04368 []
(or arXiv:1810.04368v3 [] for this version)

Submission history
From: Ankur Bhatt [view email]
[v1] Wed, 10 Oct 2018 04:29:11 UTC (780 KB)
[v2] Mon, 15 Oct 2018 03:09:14 UTC (780 KB)
[v3] Mon, 17 Jun 2019 13:55:02 UTC (1,115 KB)


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Con roba precensura (ad opera del testadikazzo bergin) pnn

...... , this is the translation of a Laureti's article about an alernative launch system, in  ......

......  is a plausible explanation for the phenomenon, Laureti says: phase shifters are made of ferrite and it  ............  the technology to investigate further.  I report Laureti’s words about this issue:  Quote  The first who  ......

......  9th update: some more details about the problems Laureti encountered with F242. I [Laureti] had, or better  ............  one can read: Let’s hope (Ocasapiens writes) that Laureti keeps his promise (know-how disclosure). Are you  ......

......  puzzling.   My 2 cents, of course   For Emidio Laureti the key for PNN is purely electrodynamics (non  ......

......  made by an inventor team in Italy lead by Emidio Laureti whose website is:  It is  ......

......  Leges Motus. I'm writing here on behalf of Emidio Laureti, because he can't access the forum and asked me  ............  displacement current was true, PNN couldn't work. Laureti has always repeated that since the postulation of  ......

......  of the prototype must wear a protective suit. Laureti found a curious but effective solution: he  ......
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......  that they all tie in together. Propellant-less propulsion ties into manipulating space time ties into the  ............  ties into the alcubiere warp drive, ties into non-local change in the speed of light in general  ............  (which you don't seem to understand) and non-local faster than normal c is the negative mass  ............  don't seem to get it.   Woodward understand the non-local change in the speed of light in General  ............ .  Inertia and propulsion in general relativity: a reply to rodal Quote  ............  is obtained in all local tests, the value of c in non-local tests may differ from the local value. The  ............  of Carl Brans is discussed, the locally measured Newtonian potential is a “locally measured invariant”—like  ............  light—and since locally measured invariants have non-local values that may differ from the locally  ............  vanish.   Even gravitomagnetism suggests a non-local change in the speed of light with circular  ............  05:52 pm  Even Einstein understood that there's a non-local change in the speed of light where is  ............ . Big the gravitational field changes the non-local speed of light changes but the local speed  ............  apparent results when you measure measure things non-locally is essentially an illusion. It is true  ............  of light has not been given so far.  *** Although non-local effects are a constituent of quantum  ............  manner.  EPR-like effects seem to indicate non-local (superluminal) processes.  It is  ............  context.  ... Conclusion: If our universe has a Newtonian background, ie. if there is an absolute time  ............  the twin paradox problem and leaves a changing non-local speed of light.   Sorry but I don't have  ............  on 04/23/2020 05:52 pm  He mentions a non-local change in the speed of light. There are  ............  05:52 pm  Now if you exist in a region where the non-local speed of light is slower than the rest of  ............ -local speed of light then there is a possible non-local faster than the normal speed of the light.   ............  when they refer to FTL travel. Your talk of "non-local speed of light" is simply you adding  ............  confusion. Non-local measurements of the speed of light means  ............  a dielectric then you can modify it to change the non local speed of light but in doing so you modify  ............  bringing in other irrelevant concepts such as "non-local speed of light" which you appear to have  ............  about FTL signals, this statement is a complete non-sequiter. Your logic appears to be "you can move  ......

......  theory has a similar term that is 3rd order post-Newtonian, but besides the issue of coordinate-dependence,  ............ =0,26&scioq=jose+rodal+mach+effect  Inertia and propulsion in general relativity: a reply to rodal James F.  ............  it is much smaller in magnitude (3rd order post-Newtonian) because its prefactor is the local gravitational  ............ . Therefore it is irrelevant for practical space propulsion (for this application it does not matter whether  ............  applied in a calculation at relativistic Newtonian approximation to a specific set of circumstances.  ............  a way that the “locally measured” value of the Newtonian potential is always dominated by the contribution  ............  distant matter, no matter the order of a post-Newtonian perturbation expansion where it occurs. Brans’  ............  implies that the locally measured value of the Newtonian potential, if non-zero, must be a scalar  ............  inertial forces equal and opposite to applied non-gravitational accelerating forces [3]. Rodal  ............  given by Brans [11] wherein the effective local Newtonian potential has no contributions from cosmological  ......

......  base your understanding of the propellantless propulsion effect of the EmDrive in the same origin as  ............ 's, i.e. the existence of a force resulting from a non-zero sum of all radiation pressures upon  ............  to try to mimic his system with classical Newtonian action-reaction.  You argue based on the momentum  ......

...... , it is clear what determines the definition of non-existent for such potentially violent  ............  has taken it upon himself to discover a means of propulsion that exceeds the traditional ones of astronautics, ............ . That's why he talks about PNN, which means "propulsion not Newtonian ". In the early days it has held  ............  Nova Astronautica Official Organ of the Space Propulsion Development Association (ASPS) at the National  ......

......  MHD is not only an engineering (water and plasma propulsion) discipline, but also applies to astrophysics ( ............  some good stuff! {troll flooding of unsubtitled, non-dubbed old French TV videos series that have  ............  before Sabine Hossenfelder's own model. It was a newtonian model at that time. From 1994, his model becomes  ......

......  measurement requires a clear understanding of Newtonian principles, as applied to a propellantless  ............  thrust as if EmDrive is a conventional propulsion system will lead to ambiguous results.  ............  the frustum.    Engineering is engineering.   NONE of Roger's cavities used flat end plates set at  ............ .  Bottom line is ignore the design rules, build a non compliant cavity and forget about any significant  ............  higher.  What amazes me is why when EW knew a non dielectric cavity could produce 3.8mN/kW, they  ......

......  be a scientific approach to new propellantless propulsion claims by the Italian team whose product is  ......

......  among the Q-Thusters because their device is Non-Newtonian but they don't like the QV theory.  ............  theoretical designs to achieve propellantless propulsion.  No problem, either way, but if our humble topic  ......

......  frame. That's not much left!  SR doesn't prevent Newtonian mechanics to be obeyed for systems with relative  ............  of frame invariance, or else that well motivated non SR equations are used from scratch (and that such  ......

......  senario to spr, tho design is different. Italian non newtonian propulsion company. Hmmmmm    What's up  ............  knights... their hopes make other propellentless propulsion claims pale in comparison :  Quote  However,  ............ ’t follow the common law of inertia, because E.M propulsion literally “accelerates on its own acceleration”.  ......

......  light falling into a black hole. The result is propulsion. The bonus is that in such a space-time where the  ............  is dependent on the group velocity. It's not Newtonian anymore, because velocity is not a constant.  The  ............ . 2 in the reference, the attenuation is a very nonlinear function of kr. For large kr (kr>20) the  ............  and the new Superconducting design by Shawyer are non-optimal, and that Shawyer has actually been  ............  light falling into a black hole. The result is propulsion.      Concerning light falling into a Black Hole,  ......

......  it is much smaller in magnitude (3rd order post Newtonian) because its prefactor [coefficient] is the local  ............ . Therefore it is irrelevant for practical space propulsion (for this application it does not matter whether  ............  inertia allegedly is NOT a gravitational phenomenon. All of his math follows from a formalism for  ............ , obviously, inertia is not a gravitational phenomenon. Brans' work is referred to as justification for  ............ ". There is a calculation in the relativistic Newtonian approximation that is based on the assumption  ............  inertia is a gravitational phenomenon and that the gravitational origin of inertia and  ............  forces caused by acceleration of matter (by non-gravitational forces) in the gravitational field  ............  is (allegedly) not gravitational, Mach effect propulsion is impossible. The rest of the elaborate math is  ............  mean that you can choose any old value for the Newtonian potential that you want. Most values give  ............  meant that the gravitational field, and thus its Newtonian potential, due to cosmic matter was essentially  ............  model, M PHI, is exactly equal to minus the total non-gravitational energy, M c2, their sum being zero.  ............ , force induction is irrelevant. In the '90s, nonetheless, several folks claimed to show that the  ............  measured everywhere and when, and Mach effect propulsion is a part of general relativity. But also to  ............  that violate the Equivalence Principle. Non-flat FRW cosmologies are physically impossible.  ......

......  be created for any spacecraft using conventional propulsion as well as advanced propulsion.>>  There we are :  ............  a messy business with all this square thing and non additivity...)   For instance, thought experiment, ............  there is a deep mystery still lurking within Newtonian mechanics (so it's not worth talking about in an  ......

......  basis of the model goes back as soon as 1977 (Newtonian dynamics at that time) so it is has been an  ............  in peer reviewed academic, respectable and non predatory access journals. Petit's and McCulloch' ............ .  Imagine Dr Petit invited to a propellantless propulsion workshop in the USA. What will he ask the  ............  his model? And to let their research on advanced propulsion go, as there is no need for any reactionless  ......

......  you add the extra energy available through the non-local M-E wormhole term interactions, the mind  ............ 't you describing the theoretical limit of rocket propulsion? How is your idea fundamentally different from  ............  the seat of all gravitational and inertial phenomenon's instead. In fact, Woodward claims that  ............  talking about using a hidden attribute of regular Newtonian inertial reaction forces instead of gravity  ............  on the other hand is a much larger closed-loop propulsion system that can react with ALL the mass/energy in  ......
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