Does anyone have a wise quote that they want to share? Here is one I've
heard. I heard it again last night, too.
"Keep your friends close. Keep your enemies even closer."
Ok, it's not exactly an exhortation for righteous living, but I thought it
was quaint. If you like wise quotes, you can see my archive of thousands of
them here:
God bless,
Jesus Christ Saves Ministries
Over 50,000 web pages!
John 8:36 reads, "Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free
Galatians 5:1 reads, "Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ
has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage."
>Hey everybody,
>Does anyone have a wise quote that they want to share? Here is one I've
>heard. I heard it again last night, too.
>"Keep your friends close. Keep your enemies even closer."
>Ok, it's not exactly an exhortation for righteous living, but I thought it
>was quaint. If you like wise quotes, you can see my archive of thousands of
>them here:
>God bless,
Here's a classic:
"Slavery itself, considered as such in its essential nature, is not
contrary to the natural and divine law, and there can be several just
titles of slavery and these are referred to by approved theologians
and commentators of the sacred canons. ...It is not contrary to the
natural and divine law for a slave to be sold, bought, and exchanged
or given."
--Pope Pius IX, June 20, 1866.
Why is that a classic and a wise quote?
Dear Rainlover:
The reference is to the "doulos", the bond slaves.
In the OT a slave was held for seven years and at Jubilee was offered
release. Many of these people became like membes of the family and at
the end of their service elected to remain with the family as a "bond
slave". These slaves were given an ear ring that marked them as the
bond slave of that family identified on the ear ring.
The bond slaves were well cared for because if they went hungry, dirty
or wore torn clothing the family name would be dishonored. So
families, to keep up with the Joneses, took good care of their bond
In the NT we have the option of being bond slaves of the Lord Jesus
Christ which is to say that He is our Master and we are to do his
bidding; but, it also infers that He is responsible for supplying all
of our needs.
It is the doulos that is able to standfast in the liberty wherewith
Christ hath set him free. True freedom comes by becoming a bond
slave. That's why Paul and others proudly proclaimed that they were
servants (bond slaves) of the Lord Jesus Christ.
There is also a little thing called the four "D's" of doulos doing.
Decision, Desire, Details, and Deliverance. Say you have a problem:
Decide on what you want to do.
Desire will follow the decision.
Details of how to bring it to pass will follow
Deliverance from the problem will result.
Say the problem is that you are not saved.
Decision - Get saved
Desire - How do I get saved.
Details - Confess Jesus as Lord and believe God raised Jesus from the
Deliverance - eternal life.
Maybe RainLover would like to become one.
Uncle Davey
'Caesar, Charlamagna and I myself have built empires, based on force. Only
Jesus built His empire on love, and even today, millions would die for
it.' Napoleon Bonaparte
> Uncle Davey
Why don't you give us a quote or two?
I know men and I tell you that Jesus Christ is no mere man.
Between him and every other person in the world
there is no possible term of comparison.
Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and I founded empires.
But on what did we rest the creations of our genius?
Upon force. Jesus Christ founded His empire upon love;
and at this hour millions of people would die for Him."
"Donald Stanley Hayden" <> wrote in message
"Analyzing humor is like dissecting a frog. Few people are interested and
the frog dies of it."
"Dr. Jason Gastrich" <> wrote in message
If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the
universe. Carl Sagan
If a person wants to be atheistic it's his God-given right to be an atheist.
Michael Patton
If the king's english was good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for me! Ma
Ferguson , Former Governor of Texas
"Dr. Jason Gastrich" <> wrote in message
: I know men and I tell you that Jesus Christ is no mere man.
: Between him and every other person in the world
: there is no possible term of comparison.
: Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and I founded empires.
: But on what did we rest the creations of our genius?
: Upon force. Jesus Christ founded His empire upon love;
: and at this hour millions of people would die for Him."
: JF
Thanks. It's been awhile since I saw it.
Don H.
Here's some of mine and some of other people's.
"He that knows not, and knows not that he knows not, is a fool"
Lao Tse
"All women are good actresses, but not all get the fee."
"Courts are for psychopaths"
Uncle Davey
"There's only one thing more stupid than optimism, and that's pessimism."
Tristan Bernard
"The bottom is still the bottom even if it's turned up to the top"
"You don't know whether inventory is material or not if you don't attend the
Uncle Davey
"You don't go twice into the same river" ('Nie chodzi sie dwazdy do tej
samej rzeki')
Polish Proverb
"I think, therefore I audit"
Uncle Davey
"To live out your life is not like crossing a field" ('Zhizn' prozhit' nie
pole pereyiti')
Russian proverb
"BE STRONG, the BEST are often wRONG."
Uncle Davey
"If you sneeze three times, you're sick" ('Dreimal niesen ist krank')
German Proverb
"If you learn, you'll earn"
Uncle Davey
"You never get a second chance to get an early night".
Uncle Davey
"Happiness is not in money, but in the amount thereof."('schastiye nie v
dyengakh, no v ikh kolichestvie')
"No matter how long a queue or hold up is on the road, it never actually
lasts for the rest of your life."
Uncle Davey
"All thoughts that have great consequences are always simple"(Vsye mysli,
imeyushie oromnye posledstviya, vsegda prosty)
Tolstoy (War and Peace)
Uncle Davey
<bump for Rainlover>
It's classic because it's 140 years old... it's wise, because what's
accepted in one age (even by the majority of god-fearing christians)
is looked at entirely different in the future.
The wise part would be if we could learn from that... sadly, no one
hear will. People here KNOW what is "right" and "wrong" and what "god
said".... even if they are incorrect.
There are things TODAY that people will look at 140 years from now,
scratch their heads, and ask what in the heck were we thinking. Of
course, today's people can't see that.
James, Seattle
Wow. Excellent quote.
Thanks Davey. These are very noteworthy. Some of them seem a bit odd,
though. I think there may be a language issue and the Russian one, for
instance, seems simple and probably specific to their culture.
"If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him" - Voltaire
Take it as you will.
James, Seattle