Irish Government Review of Copyright Law

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Darius Whelan

May 11, 2011, 4:29:40 AM5/11/11

The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Richard Bruton T.D. today [Monday 9th May 2011] began a process of reform of Ireland’s copyright regime, in an effort to maximise the potential of digital industry in Ireland.

“I am determined that government will make whatever changes are necessary to allow innovative digital companies reach their full potential in Ireland. These companies make an enormous contribution to jobs and economic growth, and government must do everything it can to allow them to flourish and expand in Ireland.

“Some companies have indicated that the current copyright legislation does not cater well for the digital environment and actually creates barriers to innovation and to the establishment of new business models. Moving towards a US-style “fair use” doctrine is one suggestion that has been made.
“I am determined to respond to these suggestions in a comprehensive and timely manner. It is not wise to make changes to this extremely complex area of legislation without first considering the issues in detail.
“Therefore I have commenced a time-limited review of the law in the area to be conducted by three industry experts. The review will include a full consultation process with all relevant stakeholders, and the entire process will be complete within six months.
“If they find that there are changes that can be made, within the confines of EU and other law in this area, which can enhance the environment for innovation by digital companies, I will move swiftly to act”.
The Review of the Copyright and Related Rights Act 2000 will identify any areas of the legislation that might be considered to create barriers to innovation, in the digital environment.
The Review Committee will be chaired by Dr. Eoin O’Dell of Trinity College, Dublin and will include Professor Steven Hedley of University College Cork and Ms. Patricia McGovern of DFMG Solicitors.
Details of the review and the Terms of Reference are available at 
Submissions to the Copyright Review Committee should be sent to or posted to Copyright Review, Room 517, Department of Enterprise, Jobs and Innovation, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. Submissions should be received by close of business on Thursday 30th June 2011.
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