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ARIA elements and automating workflow with Javascript

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Jacob Edward

Nov 20, 2014, 10:58:58 PM11/20/14
I'm not particularly interested in learning all the details ARIA has to offer just yet, but I do have a specific project that I need help with, programmatically selecting and simulating ARIA element events... do you know how to do this or do have a quick resource/tutorial explaining ARIA elements and automating workflows? 

I'm trying to write a Chrome Extension for the Google Apps Script editor so I can assign a keyboard shortcut that will make testing Web Apps a one step process instead of having to go through 4 different menus with ten steps just to see if a small addition to the UI or script has a bug...

I'm able to select all of the buttons I need when the menu is open, however, they don't exist until the menu is opened and I'm unable to programmatically control the ARIA menu system as I do with normal elements... can someone point me in the right direction?

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