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Inconsistent behavior for Aria-LabelledBy

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Shashwat Mehta

Jan 21, 2016, 9:10:07 AM1/21/16
to Free ARIA Community
I am making my website blind people friendly. So, I research on internet and installed JAWS-16. Also I started to make changes in my web pages thru AIRA specification and I came to know that "aria-labelledby" is used to configure two labels for 1 input tag.
But, in my application at many places we have used 1 drop down and 1 label associated with another input tag radio button, wich is also working fine but the issue is browser compatibility.
Please look into the image.

When my focus is on first highlighted radio button and I am using Firefox. It will read label of left side and then right side selected option tag.
So, in my example reader reads like "date value combo box this year selected"
And in the same case chrome and IE reads "date value combo box this year...." continues with all following option values like last year, next year,....
So, I want to change the implementation for Firefox. And read all combo box options along with "date Value" label.
Is it feasible? Can any one suggest good work around for this?

Thanks in advance..

Marco Zehe

Jan 21, 2016, 9:18:28 AM1/21/16
Not sure what you're trying to do is actually the most user-friendly solution. If I am in a combobox, or just moved to it, I only want to hear current value, not all (possibly 200) values the combo box has. I only want to hear the new value if I type in letters, or use arrow keys to change the selection.

BTW: Posting only a screenshot to a list where a lot of blind people read is not very helpful. A distilled down test case we could actually try out would increase the chances of more people being able to help you.


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Aug 24, 2016, 8:49:57 AM8/24/16
to Free ARIA Community
I'm not sure I get it either. Maybe write out a scenario of what your user would be doing. If you think a button like a radio button needs and explanation you could use aria-describeby to add some extra directions.
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