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Is there a chance to decrease the application performance after adding the aria tags?

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bala krishna

Apr 2, 2014, 4:30:04 AM4/2/14
Hi All,

My Application avg.  response time before implementing accessibility using aria tags was 4 sec.
But now, after implementing accessibility using aria tags is 8 sec.

So my question is,
Is there a chance to decrease the application performance after adding the aria tags?

If yes, how to fix it.

Thanks In Advance,

Octavian Rasnita

Apr 2, 2014, 6:29:13 AM4/2/14
How did you calculate those 4/8 seconds?
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bala krishna

Apr 2, 2014, 8:32:14 AM4/2/14
Hi Octavian,

Thanks for your response.

On loading the web page, I am calling my js function where I have set the aria attributes.
So, earlier it was loading in expected time. But now (after calling js on load) it is taking some more time in order to load the page.

Thanks and Regards,

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David Ward

Apr 2, 2014, 7:48:40 PM4/2/14
Simply put ARIA tags aren't going to slow anything down. I doubt the browser even notices them unless a screen reader is running. But using a javascript library to modify them on the fly... well that should be lightening fast too assuming your javascript is half way decent. I assume you JS is running after the page load otherwise nothing would happen. There's other factors such as are you using a whole giant library file to do this stuff? because to be honest a one line of JS should be able to mark each element or button.. It can get a bit more complicate if you have state to maintain like a checkbox. And if you have naturalization issues; in other words you need your app to have multiple language support. Most of my ARIA tags are hard coded in the HTML. I'd recommend using Chrome's Dev tools that are built into the browser to do some testing; it can check for JS optimiazation techniquers and break down how long everything takes to pull from the server. I'd install the Chrome extension called PageSpeed Insights (by Google). Worse comes to worse you can always create a manifest file and use loca storage to cut out the download lag. Hope that helps.

Victor Tsaran

Apr 2, 2014, 7:48:53 PM4/2/14
You may want to check your ARIA implementation as the performance numbers do not look right. Under no circumstances you should be getting such performance hit. When you say ARIA", do you mean mark up only or keyboard support as well? 
If you need a quick solution, I would try loading your Javascript with the ARIA mark up lazily. 

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