AMD or Intel for the High End?

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Derrik Walker v2.0

Sep 22, 2010, 9:44:40 PM9/22/10
I'm thinking about building myself an extremely fast, higher end Linux Box. 

The Goal is to set a budget, and build the fastest computer I can for that budget. 

The only quandary is Processor.  I like the 3-way memory and Hyper treading of the Core -7-950. But the 6 Core Phenom II X6-1090T is a  pretty nice CPU too.  They are priced very similar.  

This system will be a Desktop system, and a hight powered workstation for doing my little Math programs ( mostly in Perl - I might even learn Octave ) on and the occasional game of X-scorch and Doom.

Just wandering what other's thoughts were.

- Derrik 

Derrik Walker v2.0, RHCE

"Reality makes a crappy special effects crew" - Adam Savage 

Paul W. Frields

Sep 23, 2010, 9:27:08 AM9/23/10
On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 09:44:40PM -0400, Derrik Walker v2.0 wrote:
> I'm thinking about building myself an extremely fast, higher end
> Linux Box.
> The Goal is to set a budget, and build the fastest computer I can
> for that budget.
> The only quandary is Processor. I like the 3-way memory and Hyper
> treading of the Core -7-950. But the 6 Core Phenom II X6-1090T is a
> pretty nice CPU too. They are priced very similar.
> This system will be a Desktop system, and a hight powered
> workstation for doing my little Math programs ( mostly in Perl - I
> might even learn Octave ) on and the occasional game of X-scorch and
> Doom.
> Just wandering what other's thoughts were.

My personal take is that it's really more of a budget consideration
than anything else. Most users, including software programmers, won't
notice the architecture differences, and will be happy as pigs in mud
as long as the new system is way faster than their old one. It ends
up largely being a competition about who can be snootier about their
Vast Architectural Knowledge. :-) (I yield, I'm an idiot.)

My only advice is, pick a price point you want to hit to build your
system, pick your priorities (fast CPU, huge memory, big disks,
high-end video), and balance your costs in favor of what matters to
you. If you're moving up from something more than a year or two old,
just rest assured you'll love your new system.

Paul W. Frields
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Alex Karcher

Sep 23, 2010, 2:08:33 PM9/23/10
I've got a 100$ amd athalon x4 running at about 3ghz and it renders hd video in almost real time. so i'd just go for the most Ghz for the money, and right now that's the amd phemom x6 at $270 the core i7 at $280 has 2 less cores an is running at .4ghz slower

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