Round 377:2

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Edward Murphy

Feb 13, 2022, 1:56:25 PM2/13/22
Steam rose from a metal pot as a wiry member of the kitchen staff lifted
the lid, peered inside, then set it back down with a nod. "So far, so
good," he murmured, glancing over at his portly associate. "One half of
the poison in the tart, the other half in the cider. Our so-called
partner goes to bed and never wakes up, leaving our hands clean."

"Yeah, about that," the portly man replied, tugging uncomfortably at his
shirt collar. "We couldn't actually get the other half, on account of
the supply chain, so we had to... improvise."

"Improvise? What do you mean, improvise?"

"Well, we boiled down some apple seeds and mixed them in with the cider
mix. That stuff oughtta be poisonous enough."

The thin man frowned. "Poisonous enough, all right. Also completely
obvious. We gotta get rid of that stuff before they serve it!"

"I think it may be a little late for that," said the fat man, watching
the double doors swing shut behind a waiter carry a tray of glasses.

All future rules will also feature a double-cross or some sort of
unexpected enemy.
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