Franca 0.13.2 is available

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Klaus Birken

Dec 15, 2020, 11:31:19 AM12/15/20
to Franca
Hi all,

after some period of no releases here is a maintenance release: Franca 0.13.2. We updated the Xtext/Xtend dependency to 2.14. Although this is by far not the latest Xtext release, it provides a smooth update just in case your environment needs it.

Franca 0.13.2 can be downloaded from Google Drive and from the P2 repository It is also available in the Releases section on github. See below a list of new features in 0.13.2, please refer to the corresponding issues in the Franca issue tracker for details.

New with version 0.13.2 (clickable version on github):
- Develop: Update dependency for Xtext/Xtend from 2.11 to 2.14 (issue 270)
- Develop: Fix outdated/broken dependencies, remove build errors/warnings (issue 300)
- Develop: Upgrade target platform to Eclipse Photon (issue 270)
- Develop: Fix builds on travis-ci (issue 299)

Best regards,

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