Stainless Steel Lugs

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Amir Avitzur

Jul 10, 2021, 10:32:26 AM7/10/21
to Framebuilders
I need to make some unique frame parts to be brazed with steel frame tubes, and am considering stainless steel.

Anybody know what type of stainless steel is used in SS lugs?

Amir Avitzur
R"G Israel

Wiel Van den Broek

Jul 12, 2021, 3:39:11 PM7/12/21
to Framebuilders
Hello Amir,

My LongShen lugs are non magnetic, so they have a high Nickel content.
Typical Stainless Steel would have 18% Chromium and a 8-10% Nickel content.

Greetz, Wiel Van den Broek, Wijnandsrade, Netherlands
Op zaterdag 10 juli 2021 om 16:32:26 UTC+2 schreef walawalaoxenfree:

D Gillies

Jul 13, 2021, 2:32:04 PM7/13/21
to Framebuilders
So most frame tubing and/or lugs are made with 300-series stainless steel, maybe type 304, or perhaps 316 (#1 and #2 most common)?

What are the conditions for being non-magnetic?   Nickel is magnetic according to google.  Apparently the alloys are not what makes 304 and 316 stainless magnetic, it's just that the average piece has lower magnetism but cold-working or welding or even random "good luck" in picking a sample off the table, can yield magnetism.  Also, amazingly, it's not the 18% chromium that shields the iron from becoming magnetic; it's the (magnetic?) 8-10% nickel that does it!

- Don Gillies
Palo Alto, CA, USA

Wiel Van den Broek

Jul 13, 2021, 3:38:27 PM7/13/21
to Framebuilders
Hello Amir,

Using standard stainless steel tubing is no good option for a bike..
 I wrote a page on my site about steel in bikeframes:

Greetz, Wiel Van den Broek,  Wijnandsrade,  Netherlands

Op dinsdag 13 juli 2021 om 20:32:04 UTC+2 schreef

D Gillies

Jul 31, 2021, 2:36:25 PM7/31/21
to Framebuilders

Allmost top tubes are seamless. Usually they are "butted": the ends are thickened and sometimes a reinforcement profile is added

"Almost _all_ top tubes are seamless."

Also what does the 2nd sentence mean?  How do you add a reinforcement BESIDEs butting the tube?  Thank you,

- Don Gillies
Palo Alto, CA

D Gillies

Jul 31, 2021, 2:41:51 PM7/31/21
to Framebuilders
My apologies that was intended to be a privage message!

- Don Gillies
Palo Alto, CA, USA

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