Response to Angela Blueskies and Lynn Fass

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Chatham County Chatlist

Nov 18, 2011, 12:00:02 AM11/18/11
Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2011 09:48:39 -0500
From: chathammatters <>
Subject: Response to Angela Blueskies and Lynn Fass

Response to Lynn Fass and Angela Blueskies:

It would be helpful to have and informed and knowledgeable discussion about Hydraulic Fracturing - unfortunately you seem determined to promote fear-mongering instead of fact, Gasland for example is anything but fact.

State of Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission
"Because an informed public debate on hydraulic fracturing depends on accurate information, the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) would like to correct errors in the film's portrayal of the Colorado incidents."

"Gasland incorrectly attributes cases of water well contamination in Colorado to oil and gas development when our investigations determined that the wells in question contained biogenic methane that is not attributable to such development."

� Source: State of Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission, Correcting Gasland

John Hanger, Secretary, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
Gasland is "fundamentally dishonest" and "a deliberately false presentation for dramatic effect."

� Source: Philadelphia Inquirer, ''Gasland' documentary fuels debate over natural gas extraction," June 23, 2010

Ground Water Protection Council
Gasland "stated that the Ground Water Protection Council refused an interview with�[Josh Fox] regarding the practice known as 'hydraulic fracturing'. This statement by the filmmakers was inaccurate. To our knowledge, no one representing the production company approached us for comment on this subject�Had Mr. Fox or his representatives contacted us, we would have been receptive to discussing this issue as we have on numerous occasions when contacted by media outlets."

� Source: Groundwater Protection Council Statement on Gasland.

Ok folks -

We are trending back to a generic discussion about fracking again.

I am forwarding this notice to the fracking discussion group at

This group is growing. If you interested in continuing to discuss fracking simply join the group and send your emails there.

Thanks so much.

Gene Galin
Chatlist Moderator

Sherri Shepherd

Nov 18, 2011, 7:43:05 AM11/18/11
To Chathammatters -- yes, facts are very difficult to obtain --- objective
facts. And you would believe the State of Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation
Committee would present unbiased facts or the other "government" associated
agencies listed in your post?

In Philadelphia my friend and their neighbors did have methane in the
drinking water as a direct result of the hydro-fracking occurring in their
area. Fact.

Millions of gallons of water infused with toxic chemicals is used in
hydro=fracking. Fact.

I personally think the technology for extracting shale gas is too primitive
at this point and time and time and research should be allowed to find a
safer and less harmless method of obtained natural gas from shale.
Hydro-fracking is not a solution at this time and from what I have been
reading, would only give 40-50 more years of supply. Alternative methods
need to be aggressively sought so fossil fuels would no longer be our main
source of energy.



-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Chatham County
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2011 12:00 AM
Subject: [Fracking in NC] Response to Angela Blueskies and Lynn Fass

Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2011 09:48:39 -0500
From: chathammatters <>
Subject: Response to Angela Blueskies and Lynn Fass

Response to Lynn Fass and Angela Blueskies:

It would be helpful to have and informed and knowledgeable discussion about
Hydraulic Fracturing - unfortunately you seem determined to promote
fear-mongering instead of fact, Gasland for example is anything but fact.

State of Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission
"Because an informed public debate on hydraulic fracturing depends on
accurate information, the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission
(COGCC) would like to correct errors in the film's portrayal of the Colorado

"Gasland incorrectly attributes cases of water well contamination in
Colorado to oil and gas development when our investigations determined that
the wells in question contained biogenic methane that is not attributable to
such development."

. Source: State of Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission, Correcting

John Hanger, Secretary, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
Gasland is "fundamentally dishonest" and "a deliberately false presentation
for dramatic effect."

. Source: Philadelphia Inquirer, ''Gasland' documentary fuels debate over

natural gas extraction," June 23, 2010

Ground Water Protection Council
Gasland "stated that the Ground Water Protection Council refused an

interview with.[Josh Fox] regarding the practice known as 'hydraulic

fracturing'. This statement by the filmmakers was inaccurate. To our
knowledge, no one representing the production company approached us for

comment on this subject.Had Mr. Fox or his representatives contacted us, we

would have been receptive to discussing this issue as we have on numerous
occasions when contacted by media outlets."

. Source: Groundwater Protection Council Statement on Gasland.

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