Glendinning's obfuscations

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Apr 21, 2011, 8:38:23 AM4/21/11
to Fracking in North Carolina
The idea put forth by Tom Glendinning (Chatlist-2 Apr) that there will
likely be no mixing due to depth differential is bogus because there
are demonstrated cases where it has. The deeper drilling has to go
through the higher levels and that leaves passage for fluids to mix—it
is only logical.

Additionally, his assertion (Chatlist-6 Apr) that the skill of the
operators can lessen or contain any mixing is, at once, simple,
myopic, and delusional thinking. NO ONE, from ANYWHERE, GOOD or BAD,
can control movements of fluids released underground. There are extant
toxic sites in Chatham that exhibit this (Asphalt plant site at Sugar
Lake Road, for one). 

These assertions are pure obfuscations and any of us Chatham-ites who
accept that kind of thinking will have to rely on the fracking fairies
to protect them.
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