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Poutine : "La Russie a survécu à la perte des marchés occidentaux"

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Cardinal de Here

Mar 16, 2023, 3:26:29 PM3/16/23
Et les Européens du bloc occidental se débattent avec les problèmes
qu'ils avaient prédit pour la Russie !

On notera que Poutine se fout de la gueule des occidentaux en soulignant
que leurs gouvernements les incitent à manger des navets plutôt que des
fruits et des légumes appétissants. Et même, ajoute Poutine moqueur, ils
seront obligés de se tourner vers la Russie pour avoir des navets ! :-D

A noter que Poutine demande aux investisseurs russes de développer les
nouvelles technologies en Russie. Sage conseil puisque l'argent des
Russes fortunés placé en Occident est appelé soit à être volé, soit à se
volatiliser dans un krach magouillé par Gates et ses complices.

Russia has survived loss of Western markets – Putin

West Europeans are now grappling with problems they had predicted for
Russia, according to the president

The Russian economy is developing in a new way, with GDP expected to
grow as soon as the second quarter of this year, President Vladimir
Putin predicted on Thursday.

Speaking at a plenary session of the Congress of the Russian Union of
Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) in Moscow, Putin said the
country has managed to fully compensate for the loss of access to
Western markets.

According to the head of state, Russia’s foreign trade grew by more than
8% last year, while last year’s trade surplus hit $332 billion.

The president noted that “other Europeans” are trying “to convince
everyone of the imminent collapse of the Russian economy,” even though
EU inflation rates are higher.

Inflation in Russia is expected at around 4%, while retail growth is
projected to reach 5% in April, thanks to a stable labor market, lower
inflation and higher wages, according to the president.

“A year ago, Western governments twisted the arms of their companies,
forcing some of them, many of them, to leave the Russian market, then
foreign analysts predicted a depression and a decline in the consumer
sector for us, promised empty store shelves, a massive shortage of
goods, and the failure of the service sector,” the Russian leader said.

However, according to Putin, life took a different turn, with Western
countries now urging their people to eat turnips instead of fruit and

“Turnips are a good product, but you will probably have to turn to us
[Russia] for turnips too, because our crop level still significantly
exceeds those of our neighbors in Europe,” he joked.

The Russian president also urged Russia's billionaires to invest in new
technology, production facilities and enterprises to help overcome what
he called Western attempts to destroy the national economy.

According to Putin, well-timed investment decisions today will pay off a
hundredfold tomorrow.

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