"BAD archive" error when installing .apk built using fpm

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Daniel Lo Nigro

Nov 15, 2016, 7:56:55 PM11/15/16
to fpm-users
When I try to install an Alpine package (APK file) built using fpm, I get "BAD archive":

alpinevm:~# apk add --allow-untrusted yarn_0.17.0_noarch.apk
ERROR: yarn_0.17.0-0_noarch.apk: BAD archive

This is the command I'm running to build the package - I removed a bunch of other parameters I was pasing (vendor, url, license, maintainer, etc.) and I'm still seeing the same error:

fpm --input-type dir --chdir tmp/debian_pkg --name yarn --version 0.17.0 --output-type apk --architecture noarch .

Does anyone have any ideas how to fix this?


Jordan Sissel

Nov 23, 2016, 11:59:39 PM11/23/16
to fpm-...@googlegroups.com
I am unfamiliar with alpine, but this looks like a bug in fpm if it is generating a package that apk is rejecting.

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