New duplicate check-in merging logic

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Akshay Patil

Feb 16, 2012, 6:19:32 PM2/16/12
Hey developers,

We love all the apps that integrate with foursquare and allow users to push their content to foursquare as a check-in. Many of these integrations, however, didn't check if the user was already checked in to the venue and would overwrite a previous check-in made by the user (either via the official app or via some other app that pushed a check-in to foursquare on the user's behalf).

We've started merging duplicate check-ins so that users end up with one check-in containing all of their content around that experience. If a new check-in comes in with a shout or photo that's different from the existing check-in, we'll append that content as a comment or photo. We still honor any broadcast (twitter and/or facebook) messages on the duplicate check-in.

If you have any questions about this, do feel free to ask in our developer forum ( -- we're pretty sure this should work As Expected for all of you, but always interested in hearing your feedback. Cheers!

Akshay Patil / Foursquare Platform Evangelist
@ak / @foursquareapi
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