Releasing limited "backdated check-in" functionality

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Akshay Patil

Dec 7, 2011, 3:49:47 PM12/7/11
Hey kids,

Due to a recent spike in demand, we're now making it possible to add
historical check-in information for users via our API. The general
idea is for developers to build tools helping users of other services
bring their history into foursquare. It's a pretty big change around a
sensitive part of a foursquare user's identity, so for now this
functionality will only be available to a limited number of
developers. If you're looking to build an application for importing
check-ins, please fill out
and we'll get back to you with more details on how to do so if we
decide to add your app to the whitelist.

Imported check-ins will only count towards a user's history and
recommendations... they will not affect the gaming aspects of
foursquare (e.g. they won't affect mayorships, badges, etc.)


Akshay Patil / Foursquare Platform Evangelist
@akdotcom / @foursquareapi

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