Extension values in posted data

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Jul 21, 2015, 9:17:54 AM7/21/15
to foss...@googlegroups.com
Hi all,

Another question.

I've created an XML file according to the GS1 EPCIS for Rail Vehicle Visibility Application Standard ( http://www.gs1.org/epcis/rail/latest ), including rail: extension values as follows:

        <rail:vehicle xmlns:rail="urn:gs1:epcisapp:rail">

This seems to accord with the sample in on p43 of the Application Standard.

I http POST this to Fosstrak, which seems to work (i.e. no error is returned and the data appears in the database). However, when I query for this event, I get back xml containing:

                  <rail:vehicle xmlns:rail="urn:gs1:epcisapp:rail">1

i.e. the extension names have been stripped.

The table event_transactionevent_extensions contains the following:

# id, event_id, fieldname, prefix, intValue, floatValue, dateValue, strValue
2360418, 277164, urn:gs1:epcisapp:rail#vehicle, rail, , , ,

So it looks like the problem is when the data gets added to the table in the first place, not during the query.

The epcis-repository.log file has lots of lines such as "[org.fosstrak.epcis.repository.model.EventFieldExtension:87] -     value of extension is of type String."

The relevant code here appears to test for integer, float, date types, in that order, and then default to string if they all fail. It doesn't seem to allow for complex types (i.e. xml as required by the Application Standard).

Is there something I'm doing wrong? Or is this a problem with the Fosstrak implementation?



Jul 21, 2015, 9:22:58 AM7/21/15
to foss...@googlegroups.com

Hi David,


This is exactly the Fosstrak limitation I was talking about in my previous mail:

In Fosstrak implementation, only simple attributes are supported for values (string, integer, etc –not XML or JSON for instance). There is no support for complex extensions yet.


You did nothing wrong. Your XML tags will be stripped with the current implementation.


Of course, if anyone is interested in implementing this, he will be welcome!




De : foss...@googlegroups.com [mailto:foss...@googlegroups.com] De la part de djbur...@gmail.com
Envoyé : mardi 21 juillet 2015 15:18
À : foss...@googlegroups.com
Objet : [fosstrak] Extension values in posted data

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Jul 21, 2015, 11:10:58 AM7/21/15
to foss...@googlegroups.com
Ah - I read that comment in your previous message in the context just of master data, not everything Fosstrak does with extensions!

Yes, it would be good to get this added in the next version. Unfortunately, I do not have the tools to do development of Fosstrak. One needs all sorts of rights opened up to run maven, eclipse, github, etc - none of which I have, as this PC is far too locked down! I can do simple java coding & compilation (npp & jdk), but not work major integrated team built projects:-(

So that means that Fosstrak, as it stands, is not really suitable for use with the GS1 EPCIS for Rail Vehicle Visibility Application Standard? any suggestions for alternatives? (not really the place to ask I know:-) ) Anyone done much with Oliot, mentioned in a previous thread?

Thanks again anyway, Marc-Antoine.

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