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Jul 27, 2015, 7:41:25 AM7/27/15
to fosstrak
Another question/comment...!

The data I'm sending to my EPCIS demo database is taken from another database. I've processing the data into files, one for each day, and then POSTing all files, one by one, to Fosstrak using wget. The original database has more and more data per day as time goes on - for older data, files are only a few 10s of k in size. For more recent data, the xml files are nearer 3-4MB and contain something like 250 transactions and maybe 2000-2500 events.

I'm now getting to the point where each file takes about 12-15 minutes to load into Fosstrak (on localhost!) and the connection is timing out:

C:>wget --post-file=xml\file_20150610.xml --header="Con
tent-Type: text/xml" -O log_file_20150610.xml http://localhost:8080/epcis-reposi
--2015-07-27 12:02:41--  http://localhost:8080/epcis-repository-0.5.0/capture
Resolving localhost...
Connecting to localhost||:8080... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... Read error (Connection timed out) in hea

--2015-07-27 12:17:41--  (try: 2)  http://localhost:8080/epcis-repository-0.5.0/
Connecting to localhost||:8080... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 1407 (1.4K) [text/html]
Saving to: `log_file_20150610.xml'

100%[======================================>] 1,407       --.-K/s   in 0s

2015-07-27 12:31:55 (107 MB/s) - `log_file_20150610.xml' saved [1407/1407]

(Note that the file size is not the same as reported by Windows!)

The obvious solution is to split the file up more, so it's smaller, and/or increase the timeout time.

However, is there something fundamental within Fosstrak I could do to speed up loading of files?

I'm using standard Fosstrak 0.5.0 on MySQL 5.6, Tomcat 8.


Jul 27, 2015, 8:41:55 AM7/27/15

Hi Dave,


Apart from the obvious solutions that you quoted (splitting into smaller files containing one or two events is definitely more appropriate), could you first check this: does Fosstrak partly store the events that come from a same single file?


You can check the epcis-repository.log on the Tomcat’s log directory to see if the timeout is due to a long processing time, and query your repository after the timeout capture to check how many events where stored –if any.


HTTP Post capture is synchronous, which is not the best way to process big files. Alternatives may require developing an asynchronous protocol (like the ones proposed in EPCIS standard) or a front-end that would split big files into single events before processing the capture.




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Envoyé : lundi 27 juillet 2015 13:41
À : fosstrak
Objet : [fosstrak] Connection timed out

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Jul 27, 2015, 10:10:45 AM7/27/15
to fosstrak,
Thanks Marc-Antoine.

Yes, that was what I meant to add in my previous message - wget retries the file and you end up with duplicates in Fosstrak! I now have to detect & delete the duplicates...

Using separate files for each event is not really practical, due to Windows limitations (unless I create, post and delete the event file in one go, or if I set up a nested directory structure based on year/money/day or something).

There's nothing in epcis-repository.log to indicate any failure, so I think the timeout is occurring in wget itself. Indeed, according to the default timeout for wget is 900 seconds - which just happens to be 15 minutes, which is what the output extract I gave previously shows! Thus, using something like

wget --post-file=xml\file_20150610.xml --header="Content-Type: text/xml" -T 1200 -O log_file_20150610.xml http://localhost:8080/epcis-repository-0.5.0/capture

would be an immediate workaround. But splitting the files up, at least into smaller numbers of events, would be a better longer-term solution.

Thanks again!
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