Weekly Notes 01 - 2023

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Shrinivasan T

Jan 7, 2023, 1:38:38 AM1/7/23
to fossnews, foss...@googlegroups.com
Hello all,

I like to share my weekly notes, learnings, explorations here,
inspired by weekly notes of Thejesh

New year started very well with a meeting with KanchiLUG friends. Had
good conversations with Mohan and Thanga Ayyanar. we discussed various
things like SelfHosting, Books scanning, archiving, MineCraft/Minetest
games etc.

Completed reading the book - நாம் ஏன் உடற்பயிற்சிகளைக் கைவிடுகிறோம்? -
It is a small book about why we are dropping the exercises. It gives
tips and motivations to do the exercises daily. Good to start with
small, in time and in the sets we do.
I am very lazy on exercises so far. May be, this year will do it
regularly. Will share the progress here.

Watched the movies - Love Today and Saving Santa. Viyan enjoyed the
movie Saving Santa. It is about time travel like Maanadu movie.

Nithya bought a treadmill. After few struggles on its assembly and
power supply, it is working fine now. She is a avid workout girl. I am
quite opposite to her. I too started to use it, daily 30 min. So far,
made to do it daily.

Kaniyam team had our weekly meeting on Books scanning. We are scanning
the books published by Soviet Russia in Tamil, with the help of
University of Toronto, Scorborugh Campus. We are capturing the
progress and meeting minutes here -

Viyan got much interest on the game MineCraft. Out street library has
few books on it. He gave the book "Beginners guide to Minecraft" and
asking me to read it. Reading it daily. He got the book "Coding for
MineCraft". Though he is not understating the coding, he is learning
that we can modify the game and create new things ourself with code.
He will ask me to read it next and ask the build new code for the
game. I am all new to that game and still struggling to get into the
gaming mindset, which I lost after my college days.

As Minecraft is proprietary software, I am not buying it. But, Viyan
is asking me to buy. me? Never. Found a Open Source alternate for it.
MineTest. It is similar to Minecraft. I struggled a lot to explain
these things to Viyan. He agreed for it after seeing that Minetest has
most of the features he knows that are in Minecraft. He wants to play
the game along with his friends. May be I have to do Selfhost on the
Minetest server. Started to explore on this, to buy a better homelab
server. It may be a low cost Raspberry Pi or some MiniPC like Intel
NUC. Will buy something soon, but have to explain and convince Nithya.
It may take some more time.

Nithya published a book review on her blog post -
It is a book, which talks about how Men should change their thoughts on Women.

I started to compile an ebook on "Pandas" with the articles written by
Nithya on https://Kaniyam.com website. Will release soon.

Oh ya. Just now remembering that https://Kaniyam.com completed 11
years on Jan 1. It was started on Jan 1, 2012.
Tons of thanks for all the contributors for the Kaniyam.com website
and all our open source projects and activities.

Visited my friends Natkeeran and Nalini at their home, on the
holidays. It was so refreshing for all of us.

I am getting busy with office works, readings and writings.
Met my friend Thas to discuss about Opportunities on devops and how to
learn it. Gave him few assignments as Install Linux on his laptop,
read the books on Linux, Take notes, write blog posts. These are the
usual things I ask for anyone who likes to grow on the IT field.

I am still writing the annual review of 2020 and 2021. Will publish
them soon. Then will work on review of 2022.
Lot of happenings, memories, and great experiences all these years.
Hope the practice of writing weekly notes will help to compile the
yearly review of 2023 easily.

If you are reading this, I invite you to start a blog and write weekly
notes on your life happenings, learnings and experiences. It will help
us in tons of ways.


My Life with GNU/Linux : http://goinggnu.wordpress.com
Free E-Magazine on Free Open Source Software in Tamil : http://kaniyam.com

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