Hi FoSL Members,
Peace Corps Sierra Leone is requesting our assistance in advertising and
promoting interested people to serve in the Peace Corps in Sierra Leone.
The most efficient way to communicate this is through people to people
recruitment. As RPCVs, we have very specific, very compelling stories of
our unique experience in Sierra Leone and can make the best case to
potential applicants that know and trust us. We can advise interested
individuals about the benefits of Peace Corps Sierra Leone over other
countries; we can convey that applying to the Peace Corps in Sierra
Leone is a great idea! Even if they are not 100% sure they want to serve
in the Peace Corps, it is good to go through the application process as
a way to understand more about service and find out if it is right for
them. Therefore, we are requesting each of you to find at least one
applicant to apply directly to a Peace Corps Sierra Leone position. This
action is worth a try to help support Peace Corps Sierra Leone. Let’s
get that conversation going at a personal level to encourage new
applicants. The earlier they finish their application, the better for
them in getting the position they want. The Peace Corps Sierra Leone has
set a goal of 100 new applications by the end of June 2024 and another
100 by the end of July 2024. All applicants need to apply by October 1st
2024 for any current positions. The departure date for these positions
is June 7th 2025.
Here is the link to all open positions:
Let’s do our part to support the Peace Corps program in Sierra Leone,
the one that gave us all the experiences and memories that we cherish
and remember.
Thank you for your time and continued support!
Michael Lee
Friends of Sierra Leone