Hi FoSL Members,
Here is another advocacy opportunity from the National Peace Corps Association (NPCA) for you in our request to support Peace Corps funding. See below!
The House of Representatives is expected to take up the Fiscal Year 2025 (FY 2025) State/Foreign Operations (S/FOPS) appropriations bill. When the bill comes to the House floor, we have the opportunity to make sure that Peace Corps will not face a budget cut during the fiscal year that begins this October. When the S/FOPS bill comes to the House floor, lawmakers will vote on an amendment to restore funding to the Peace Corps. The original S/FOPS bill recommends cutting $20 million from the agency’s current appropriation of $430 million. That would decrease Peace Corps funding to the same, $410 million level it first received a decade ago.
However, an amendment by Representative Michael Lawler (R-NY) would restore the $20 million to Peace Corps, and offset that increase with a similar reduction to the State Department’s Diplomatic Programs account. Votes on various amendments are expected on Thursday. If the Lawler amendment passes, Peace Corps would have an excellent chance to receive no less than the current level of funding during the next fiscal year.
It is extremely important for you to reach out to all members of Congress immediately, including those who are the strongest supporters of the Peace Corps. The House bill would reduce international affairs funding, and some of the amendments would deeply cut or eliminate many development and humanitarian assistance programs. Because of this, support for the Lawler amendment from many of the strongest Peace Corps champions is far from guaranteed. We invite you to express your opposition to deep cuts to our nation’s international assistance programs, while urging support for the Peace Corps. Please help by:
1. Taking Action Now: Urge your member in the House of Representatives to vote in favor of the Lawler Peace Corps funding amendment here:
https://peacecorpsconnect.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=da0844e699a37a1d6718a0345&id=2a7ad3422d&e=09fdaaf921 2. Supporting Advocacy Efforts: Please consider making a donation today to support NPCA’s ongoing advocacy efforts here:
https://peacecorpsconnect.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=da0844e699a37a1d6718a0345&id=2510053901&e=09fdaaf921Any donation, of any size is greatly appreciated, and keeps us going strong!
As always, thank you for your continued support!