Task list

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Eric Kenvin

Feb 8, 2010, 6:30:31 AM2/8/10
to Fortune Hunter
Alright, so I took that list that we came up with at the meeting last
Friday and assigned people specific tasks ( I've tried to keep people
working on what they have been). Unassigned tasks can be picked up by
anyone once they're done with what they're working, just make sure you
tell everyone that you've picked it up.

-coding efficiency and cleanup
-review current code, alter, clean for efficiency
-class diffusion
- separate into class files
-memory handling
-proper memory handling

-HUD of enemy health
-remove fmc and PIL
-find alternate solution for movies
-coded animating
-separate inventory listing
- able to equip, use and manage items from master list of
- also able to equip from equip slots (like we have now)
- square and check to change menu panes? Press check to go to a
master inventory list and square to return to stats screen
- x to select item and use functions, circle to open/close menu
-quit/close game to home screen (not python output screen)
-research using svgs, convert images to svg?
-svgs will load much quicker than actual images and can be easily
scaled for different screen resolutions
-tutorial walthrough help instead of forcing

-modify game difficulty (not difficulty setting, just hardness of game
play and elements)
-level enemies with the player (based on player stats total : base
maxHP + base ATT + base BT + base whatever else)
-attack leveling
-use attack x num times to level it up and increase difficulty
setting, adding new subtopics (ie lvl1 = translations, lvl2 = trans,
rotations, lvl3 = trans, rot, scaling, lvl4 = trans, rot, scale,
mirroring, etc)
-bestiary - basic info added on encounter, full info added on scan
with amulet (while in battle)

-amulet search- hold check button (maybe 2-3 seconds)(until screen
fill = 100%)
-after full flash, hidden items change to visible and appear on
-just pushing check (not holding) will pick up 1x visible item
(not all at once)
-phase effect efficiency
-reconfigure effect so it works better

-name entry & character select note:
-profile name entry(only on new game), then switch input mode (via
image like on wii with wrist strap notify), then character select
screen, then game
-title menu reimplementation
-add menu element descriptions so users know what things are
-Adventure Play --> Continue \
-- Load Game = then to char select
-- New Game /

-Creative Play --> Load Custom Map
vvvvvvvv Future or maybe done only in Fortune Maker
vvvvvvvvvvv (ignore for next 3 weeks)
-- New Custom Map (quit and load FM)
-- Share Map
-- Receive Map

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