Dynamic engine using positions?

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Aug 18, 2008, 12:17:33 PM8/18/08
to formulacompiler-users
I'm very interested in using AFC, but would need to do so in a more
dynamic (unbound) way than is demonstrated in the quick start.

Basically I have an Excel spreadsheet, a list of inputs, and a list of
ouputs. Inputs and outputs are defined as a worksheet number, a row
number, a column number, and a value.

I need to load the spreadsheet and set the input values. The
spreadsheet then needs to be recalculated and the outputs read out.

AFS could certainly handle this, but it seems it wasn't designed for
this purely position based usage. Is there a way to use the current
library to do this that I'm overlooking?


Peter Arrenbrecht

Aug 19, 2008, 1:47:42 AM8/19/08
to formulacom...@googlegroups.com


Aug 19, 2008, 11:14:30 AM8/19/08
to formulacompiler-users
Yep. That was it. Thanks!

I don't suppose there's a way to find the sheet index for an
UnsupportedExpression? I'm getting an exception like this:

Lexical error at line 1, column 8. Encountered: "R" (82), after :
Cell containing expression is B7.
Referenced by cell B8.
Referenced by cell B52.
Referenced by cell E52.
Referenced by cell E62.
Referenced by cell C16.
Referenced by cell E16.
Referenced by cell E19.
Referenced by cell C30.
Referenced by cell B10.

Vladimir Korenev

Aug 20, 2008, 11:07:42 AM8/20/08
to formulacompiler-users
> I don't suppose there's a way to find the sheet index for an
> UnsupportedExpression?

I think we will add a sheet name to a cell name in error messages to
make them clearer.

> Lexical error at line 1, column 8.  Encountered: "R" (82), after :
> "\'\'"

Looks like a sheet name parsing bug that have already been fixed in
the repository. Do you have quotes in sheet names?
I have made a new build that includes this bugfix. You can download
ant try it: http://arrenbrecht.ch/hg/formulacompiler-

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