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Appreciate help with "Show If" conditions in formr survey

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Dec 20, 2023, 11:11:52 AM12/20/23
to formr

We are currently working on a survey using the `formr`, and we're having trouble with the conditional display of questions based on user responses.

I would like to implement a "show if" condition where a follow-up question will only be displayed if the user has clicked "yes" to a previous question.

However, the conditional display doesn't work as expected and I get an error code related to CPU usage.

“There was a problem evaluating showifs using openCPU”

(function() {


                Study_1_SIB ="{\"studium\":[null],\"studienart\":[null],\"taetigkeit\":[null],\"taetigkeitsart\":[null],\"fachsemester\":[null],\"studienfach\":[null]}"), stringsAsFactors=F)


                (function() {with(tail(Study_1_SIB, 1), {

formr.showifs = list();

within(formr.showifs,  {

si.studienfach = (function(){

                studium == ja


si.studienart = (function(){

                studium == ja


si.fachsemester = (function(){

                studium == ja


si.taetigkeitsart = (function(){

                taetigkeit == ja







1.       How can I set up the Show If conditions correctly so that the next question is only displayed if the user chooses "yes"?

2.       Also, how can I examine the data or file being sent to the system during this process?

3.       What’s the best way to introduce a timed delay for the appearance of the "Continue" button in formr ?

Any insight or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!


Ruben Arslan

Dec 20, 2023, 11:21:13 AM12/20/23
to Raphaela, formr
Hi Raphaela,

This is just an R error, not specific to formr. 
Your code syntax is invalid, which you'll see as well if you run the code in RStudio. If you're new to R, I can recommend pair programming with ChatGPT.
In this case, ChatGPT gives the correct hint, you are using "ja" as if it's a variable, but probably you want to refer to the string "ja"
or whatever number is encoded when people check "ja" in your survey (I can't see that from here.



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