SHOW note IF mc_xx == 1

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L Erber

Nov 23, 2023, 6:59:50 AM11/23/23
to formr
Hey there!

My participant has to choose between multiple options (e.g. different types of hobbies). When choosing one hobby, I want them to get further information about this hobby. I implemented this by a) giving them a mc-question with 16 choices (mc_hobby) and b) giving them 16 different information notes depending on their answer (showif mc_hobby == 1 --> should show them note 1). So far I always get this feedback:
R Error: Unparsable argument: { (function() {library(formr) Feedback_hobby ="{\"mc_hobby\":[null]), stringsAsFactors=F)
Can I use showif also with notes? I also get the message that column 15 and 16 of my 16 hobbies have been skipped when uploading the items. Thus, the participants can only see 14 out of 16 options. I could not find anything in the Wiki about this problem, does somebody have an idea?

Best regards,

Ruben Arslan

Nov 23, 2023, 10:22:55 AM11/23/23
to L Erber, formr
Hi Lucy,

if it's a multiple multiple choice question, see here:

yes, showifs should work with notes. From your code, I cannot see why you would get that error, you'd
have to show more of your survey.

Regarding 16 hobbies: yes, you can only use the choice1 to choice14 columns. For more options, you
have to specify options in "long format" on a second sheet.

Search many_choices here on sheet1 (survey) and sheet 2 (choices) to see how it's done.



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