Sona verlinkung // linking sona for university undergraduate credits

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Christine Starke

Jul 29, 2019, 6:17:40 AM7/29/19
to formr
Hello Formr community
I hope you're all enjoying summertime! I got a final question about linking the study to sona systems, a provider for course credits we need to accomplish at our university. I tried the Tipps at the documentation page about linking the study to profillic and mturk. It worked for linking the study to sona, but when I added the return link (to gain the credits on sona after participating in formr) it always fails. I doesn't grant me permission to connect to sona and I cannot figure out why!
I'll paste the links I'm using to return to sona:

paste0(“”, sona_precheat$code)

paste0(“ survey_code=”, sona_precheat$code)

paste0(“”, sona_precheat$code)$code#$code$code“”, sona_precheat$code

Sunny regards and thanks a lot, I just hope I don't have to grant the credits manually

Ruben Arslan

Jul 30, 2019, 11:25:48 AM7/30/19
to Christine Starke, formr
Hi Christine,

sorry, but I know nothing about Sona. I recommend asking someone who knows about Sona,
what exactly the final link should look like, then I can help you construct it in formr.
I don't even know if Sona permits automatically granting credit

Best wishes,


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Apr 4, 2022, 5:26:53 AM4/4/22
to formr
Dear Christine,

Would it be possible to explain what you did in order to link your study with SONA? I also need to link my study via SONA, it is not necessary to automate the credits, I can handle it manually.

With kind regards,


Mario Reutter

Apr 5, 2022, 3:36:12 AM4/5/22
to formr
Dear Christine,
here are the steps how I made it work:
  1. In SONA, make sure to set the study URL to also send the `%SURVEY_CODE%`, e.g. like this:
    You just have to switch the first part of the URL to link to your formR run.
  2. In formR, within your very first survey as the very first item, make sure to grab this parameter and store it. Mine is called `handshake` (important for step 3) and just contains the following:
    type: get sona
    name: sona
  3. In formR, before subjects reach the regular end page, create an external link component:
    ifelse($sona), '', paste0('', handshake$sona))
    Make sure to replace the links above with your respective links: should be the link to your formR run (see step 1)
    The second link should be SONA's client-side completion URL that you get from the study information page in SONA but without the "XXXX" in the very end (this is automatically set by `handshake$sona`).
Step 3 makes sure that subjects that came from SONA (as indicated by the handshake survey) will be redirected back to SONA after the formR study ends. These subjects will not see formR's regular end page! So make sure that nothing fancy gets displayed there (mine just reads: "Thank you for participating! You can now close the browser tab").

I hope this helps!
Kind regards,

Mario Reutter

Jun 22, 2022, 3:50:18 AM6/22/22
to formr
P.S.: In step 3, "handshake" has to be replaced with the name of the survey that contains the "get sona" call from step 2
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