builder for default_over_obj

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Rippl, Steve

Dec 5, 2011, 6:22:28 PM12/5/11
I'm wanting to use default_over_obj with a sub{} rather than a static value, and the docs say...

"At this time there is no equivalent of 'set_default', but the type of the attribute is not defined so you can provide default values in a variety of other ways, including providing a trait which does 'build_default_over_obj'. For examples, see tests in the distribution."

Unfortunately I can't find (or recognize) examples of this!  Can someone point me in the right direction please?

Many thanks,

Steve Rippl
Technology Director
Woodland Public Schools
360 841 2730

Gerda Shank

Dec 6, 2011, 1:18:20 PM12/6/11
On 12/5/11 6:22 PM, Rippl, Steve wrote:
> I'm wanting to use default_over_obj with a sub{} rather than a static
> value, and the docs say...
> "At this time there is no equivalent of 'set_default', but the type of
> the attribute is not defined so you can provide default values in a
> variety of other ways, including providing a trait which does
> 'build_default_over_obj'. For examples, see tests in the distribution."
> Unfortunately I can't find (or recognize) examples of this! Can
> someone point me in the right direction please?
> Many thanks,
> Steve


The test is in xt/init.t in the repository. It applies a trait to the
field with a 'build_default_over_obj' method. You could also create a
special field type. This would also work with a DBIC row and item => $row.

Maybe it would be better to allow a coderef for that... Hmm....



use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;

package My::Default;
use Moose::Role;

sub build_default_over_obj {
return 'From Method';

package My::Other::Form;
use HTML::FormHandler::Moose;
extends 'HTML::FormHandler';

has '+name' => ( default => 'testform_' );
has_field 'optname' => ( temp => 'First' );
has_field 'reqname' => ( required => 1, default_over_obj => 'From
Attribute' );
has_field 'altname' => ( traits => ['My::Default'] );
has_field 'somename';
has_field 'extraname' => ( default_over_obj => '' );

sub default_somename {
my $self = shift;
return 'SN from meth';

my $init_object = { reqname => 'Starting Perl', optname => 'Over Again',
altname => 'test',
extraname => 'not_empty',
my $form = My::Other::Form->new;
ok( $form, 'get form' );

$form->process( init_object => $init_object, params => {} );
is( $form->field('altname')->value, 'From Method', 'correct value' );

Rippl, Steve

Dec 6, 2011, 4:48:12 PM12/6/11
On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 10:18 AM, Gerda Shank <> wrote:


The test is in xt/init.t in the repository. It applies a trait to the field with a 'build_default_over_obj' method. You could also create a special field type. This would also work with a DBIC row and item => $row.

Maybe it would be better to allow a coderef for that... Hmm....


Sorry, I was grepping through t/ not xt/!  Thanks for pointing that out, works perfectly!
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