broken webhelpers integration?

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Jan 29, 2015, 9:53:15 AM1/29/15
I just started a new project for test purposes and downloaded all dependencies as always. I noticed it was not necessary to force the "pre" flag for pip.
The project "explodes" in the file webhelpers2/html/ at line 324 with the following error:

"TypeError: lists/tuples are no longer allowed as elements in the 'options' arg"

when trying to add a multichoice select.

I guess it's a problem with the new version of webhelpers2 that has some compatibility issue with formalchemy.
Am I right?
Is someone in formalchemy team working on this? How can I downgrade to the latest realease candidate (that seems to work with the same code, as I tryed pasting the same example into an older project)?

Thanks in advance

Willie Wu

Sep 26, 2015, 12:16:49 PM9/26/15
to FormAlchemy
+1, same problem here. Looks like this issue does not solve yet.

pdepmcp於 2015年1月29日星期四 UTC+8下午10時53分15秒寫道:
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