Tree Removal State & Issues (and fee logs!)

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FCHOA Webmaster

Feb 8, 2023, 12:02:08 PM2/8/23
The Arborist is cleaning up the park.  They are leaving logs for pickup.  If anyone needs additional firewood, please feel free to collect any logs you see.

The city has already started collecting piles of brush along the curb.  If you are leaving brush, make sure it is not obstructed by overhanging trees or too close to other objects that would prevent the equipment from grabbing the material.  10ft wide piles are also ideal.

To help with the cleanup, we are encouraging any residents with the time and equipment to help clean up any common areas near your home.  Cutting and piling limbs by the road on the common areas would be a big help and save the HOA a good bit of time and money.

Finally, if you live adjacent to the wall, please report any damage to the wall to the HOA via the website We know of at least one issue and if there are others we would like to know about them as soon as possible.
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