Storm Cleanup. We need your help.

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FCHOA Webmaster

Feb 6, 2023, 4:53:55 PM2/6/23
The cleanup effort has begun. You may have seen clean up crews working by the Forest Creek entrance or in the park.

Residents, we need your help to get the feeder roads cleared.  
Due to the extensive damage in the park and along the feeder roads (Forest Creek Dr, Harvey Penick Dr), we are going to be weeks out from getting these areas cleared.

If you could please:
1. Refrain from adding to the piles along the feeder roads. Please do not dump limbs over the wall.
And if you really want to help out:
2. Help us by pulling limbs from the feeder roads and adding to your curb piles for the city to pick up. (pickup link: )
3. Help cut and pile any limbs along feeder roads for easy pickup by the city.

The cost of the cleanup for the HOA is not going to be cheap.  The less we have to rely on private contractors and more we can use the city or resident resources, the less costly (and maybe quicker) it will be.
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