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HOA Board of Directors Opportunity

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FCHOA Webmaster

Dec 28, 2022, 12:28:42 PM12/28/22
It is time once again to elect board members for our HOA.  This is a great opportunity for our many retired community members to contribute to our neighborhood and keep it a place that we can all feel good about spending many years in our homes here and protecting the value of our homes.  We need volunteers who want to keep our neighborhood a first class neighborhood and are willing to invest the time to do the work and oversight needed to make that happen.   This position does require some time dedicated to this position, everything from attending monthly meetings (currently virtual meetings) to frequent issues that come up between meetings and need board attention (from complaints to broken sprinklers) dealt with by email or phone.  It also requires becoming familiar with our governing documents, property management company, and our contractors.  You can run for a board position by completing the application so that your name can be included in the voting scheduled to take place in January.

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