Thu, March 21, 2024, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (CST)
3216 Bay Hill Lane – (residents can attend in-person or by video)
Please join Zoom from your computer, tablet, or smartphone -
Meeting ID: 833 3356 3850 / Passcode: 202300
1. Call to Order - 7 PM
2. Establish Board Quorum
3. Approval of Minutes
4. Homeowner Forum
5. Reports
a) President Report
b) Treasurer’s Report
6. Old Business
a) Pool furniture
b) Landscaping (Keith Chandler)
c) Irrigation System Update (Keith Chandler
d) Reviewing RM charges and status under Misc. Admin.
e) Adjustments in the late fee structure to align with the CC&Rs.
7. New Business
a) Pool repairs and update
b) Miscellaneous
8. Executive Session
9. Adjournment