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Forecastfox (fix version) - WORKAROUND for "Can't change locations"

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Jan 27, 2024, 2:31:48 PM1/27/24
to forecastfox-users
Here's a WORKAROUND for the PROBLEM  of "Can't change locations".

This is NOT an Addon Revision nor an Upgrade to this tool,
and I am not taking responsibility for any ongoing support.

1. Load a default config of Forecastfox (Fix version) - (which automatically includes "New York" location)

2. Under "OPTIONS" menu: Adjust all the other items to personalize your view:
Note: 1) Change "first_run" = true
2) Change "switch locations" to 5.0 minutes

3. At the bottom - "Save Settings" to the default file.

4. Using your browser url type: ""
then enter your [location], in order to determine your "cityId" and capture for later input,

ie) ... y=honolulu
for Honolulu - look within address bar, it indicates "cityID" = 348211

5. Using your browser url type: "[location] Lat & Long"
in order to determine your location's Latitude & Longitude and capture for later input.

ie) "Honolulu Lat & Long" - returns Lat="21.3099", Long="157.8581"

6. Using any text editor - Edit the Forecastfox (fix version) file - which you previously saved.

7. Near the bottom of the text, find text of the following format:
location_list=[{"name":"New York, NY, USA","code":"cityId:349727","current":true,"rotate":true,"latlng":{"lat":40.7127837,"lng":-74.00594130000002}}]

8: At the end of the line - delete "]", add a "," then add the following formatted text for your location: at the end of the line.
ie) where name: Honolulu, HI, US
cityID: 348211
lat: 21.3099
lng: 157.8581

{"name":"Honolulu, HI, US","code":"cityId:348211","rotate":true,"current":true,"latlng":{"lat":21.3099,"lng":157.8581}}

9: Repeat #4-#8 for any additional locations.

10: After adding your LAST entry location spec - Add "]" at the end of that line.

11: Save this file.

12: Under Fordcastfox (Fix version)
- select "OPTIONS" -
- select "Load Settings" then select your file & enter.
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