Not connecting to weather service

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Nancy Eddy

Feb 12, 2024, 4:34:54 PM2/12/24
to forecastfox-users
Anyone else having a problem getting Forecast Fox to connect to the weather service? Mine's been down since around noon today


Feb 12, 2024, 5:28:23 PM2/12/24
to forecastfox-users
Same here. I rebooted Win10 and Mozilla and Speed Dial but, still getting " There was a problem connecting to the weather service."

AAASaint Superb

Feb 12, 2024, 6:35:41 PM2/12/24
to forecastfox-users
Have on three computers. All display this message that started today:  There was a problem connecting to the weather service.

Bryan Price

Feb 12, 2024, 8:13:34 PM2/12/24
to forecastfox-users
It's currently working for me. Haven't been around today to know if there has been a problem. Florida here.

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Nancy Eddy

Feb 12, 2024, 11:07:59 PM2/12/24
to forecastfox-users
It finally reconnected here.

Andy Gossen

Feb 13, 2024, 9:47:42 AM2/13/24
to forecastfox-users
My copy is not connecting. Tried from a few different locations. Maybe API issue?

Andy Gossen

Feb 13, 2024, 9:59:59 AM2/13/24
to forecastfox-users
And now it is... I hope the developer is OK. I understand he is from Ukraine.

Coot Master

Feb 13, 2024, 7:14:03 PM2/13/24
to forecastfox-users
im having trouble too
i was fine and its in and out  
the author hard to  get ahold of since hes in ukraine 
i will email him
about connecting and the missing store

Gmail (lightreconstruction)

Feb 13, 2024, 7:21:25 PM2/13/24
I think maybe ForecastFox might be permanently broken. After not
connecting for the past several days I tried going to the server site
directly ( It is not online. After a bit
of searching I sent a note to the Accuweather API managers to see if
they knew anything. Here's my note, and their response.

I've been trying to access "", but for the
past few days it has disappeared. Has it's contract lapsed? Is there
somehow I can pay for a renewed lease? A lot of people rely on the
connection and it would be a shame to lose it. The original author of
the software, Oleksandr Popov, lives in Ukraine and likely isn't able to
keep up with his commitments. Thanks for any information - take care.

Thank you for your message. The owners of the Firefox feed have ceased
payment and therefore the feed was shut down. We apologize for any
. . .
We hope this helps to answer your questions at this time. Thank you for
contacting the AccuWeather APIs Team and thank you for choosing
AccuWeather APIs!

So, it seems, unless Oleksandr can reopen his account with Accuweather,
ForecastFox is broken. What a sad day this is! I sure hope Mr. Popov is
doing okay and can revive this once the nonsense in Ukraine is over.

I'll be interested to see if Coot Master ( get a
reply . . .

Is it time to move on?

Todd King

Feb 14, 2024, 12:15:35 AM2/14/24
to forecastfox-users
They didn't say if someone else would be able to pay to renew to lease?  Or does that mean that only the owner of the feed can make a payment?

Coot Master

Feb 14, 2024, 12:26:39 AM2/14/24
to forecastfox-users

hi  guys  
im in usa  
so it might be awhile
like i suggested  
as addons  
there tons at store under WEATHER
as a url  theres is underground weather
and weather  at windows /microsoft store
as well as  weather by clock in the  news and interests  feed

Andy Gossen

Feb 14, 2024, 7:00:28 AM2/14/24
to forecastfox-users
Sad indeed. Hopefully if Oleksandr is still around, he would be willing to fork his extension or let someone else take over.

Aaron M (Strikes Again)

Feb 14, 2024, 9:49:34 AM2/14/24
to forecastfox-users
I have been using ExplorerPatcher, which works with both Windows 10/11.  It has an option to add the weather in the taskbar as an icon with the temperature - very similar to what this browser extension was doing.  The only thing missing is the radar, which I can still just to go to view.

Nancy Eddy

Feb 14, 2024, 10:35:26 AM2/14/24
to forecastfox-users
I don't use Explorer. I use Firefox

Chris Groszczyk

Feb 14, 2024, 11:41:55 AM2/14/24
to forecastfox-users
red ! for me on several computers.  (there was a problem connecting to the weather service)


Feb 14, 2024, 11:52:48 AM2/14/24
to forecastfox-users
Mine is now working 100% again!

Coot Master

Feb 14, 2024, 1:41:05 PM2/14/24
to forecastfox-users

ok mine still down


Feb 14, 2024, 2:12:04 PM2/14/24
to forecastfox-users
And it stopped! WTF?


Feb 14, 2024, 7:04:07 PM2/14/24
to forecastfox-users
Same here in Boston Ma area will not connect

Jason Bourne

Feb 14, 2024, 7:18:21 PM2/14/24
to forecastfox-users
I installed the Gismeteo Chrome extension from the online Web Store and it's the best one out there, imo.

This is the one recommended in this thread by Coot Master. I tried some others but they weren't anywhere as good.

You can click into it for more information as well and customize that landing page to display more or less info.

After many years, it seems that Foxforecast has ended its run, unfortunately.

It seems picking up the API bill can't be done.

It would be nice if the extension could land on GitHub and then someone could take it over and keep it alive as Andy said.

And again for the radar you can go to the Accuweather site itself or use a phone app.

One phone app with nice radar is NOAA Weather Free. 

Jason Bourne

Feb 15, 2024, 1:29:33 AM2/15/24
to forecastfox-users
Hi Coot Master.

I checked just now.

For the Radar there, you would go to the page for your location. Then *click* on the radar picture or select "RADAR" from the top bar.

It seems like its working fine.

I think yes, the Foxforecast extension is abandoned at this point. It had disappeared from the store a while back.

As far as the API bill, it was probably paid up until a certain point and just ran out.

It's a dead extension at this point. Uninstall it or turn it off. No good anymore.

Actually, it was also causing problems with another extension I had which kept telling me I wasn't logged in.

So best to turn it off or remove it in Chrome.

Since I did that, no more problems or other messages.

Jason Bourne

Feb 15, 2024, 1:33:05 AM2/15/24
to forecastfox-users
I think what I was seeing had to do with the API part of the extension and it was refusing to connect (unpaid bill)

Something like that is also hard on the browser with constant open, refused connections.

Again, best to turn off or remove altogether.

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Ozzy Helix

Feb 15, 2024, 9:33:36 PM2/15/24
to forecastfox-users
it might be the case that someone needs to fork the project to get it going again

Gmail (lightreconstruction)

Feb 15, 2024, 10:19:14 PM2/15/24
I'm not sure if forking ForecastFox is possible. If I remember this
version (Fix Version) was taken over from the original developer,
Ensolis (whose name is still on it), and there were issues. I don't
remember exactly what but something about ownership? I guess someone can
try but without Popov Accuweather account it would require someone
buying API access.

Also, the radar maps will still work because they don't rely in the API.
The API's only for the weather data (current and forecast).

FYI: Oleksandr Popov's blog - - last post 2022/01/3

So it's been a while since any postings, but then again they weren't
very often anyway. Maybe he's putting his skill's toward defeating
Putin. Sure hope he's okay.

Tyler Fowle

Feb 16, 2024, 1:39:12 AM2/16/24
to forecastfox-users
Oleksandr has been active on this group forum since then. Given the circumstances, we can only hope for his wellbeing until we hear from him again.

Ozzy Helix

Feb 16, 2024, 10:54:40 AM2/16/24
to forecastfox-users

I hope this doesn't have to be the end of forecastfox and that someone can take up the torch of maintaining it. Oleksandr has done a great job over the years and I must commend him for keeping it working for as long as they did but perhaps the source code should be made available in a repo somewhere and a new maintainer should take over to keep it alive

Gmail (lightreconstruction)

Feb 16, 2024, 12:04:13 PM2/16/24
The source code is on your machine, in a file named "forecastfox@s3_fix_version.xpi", probably in your extensions folder. My understanding is that it's a regular ZIP file that can be opened with appropriate software (works for me). BUT this gets into the nasty area of reverse engineering, generally a frowned upon practice. So again, getting this extension working again is a daunting task. Not to mention resubmitting it to Mozilla for publication. The number of tasks is truly mind numbing. So considering all the hurdles, the *only* way I can see ForecastFox working again is if Mr. Popov steps in to clarify his intentions. And possibly hand off the project, or at least allow someone else to continue payments to Accuweather for the API access. At least that's my take so far.
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Ozzy Helix

Feb 16, 2024, 5:45:53 PM2/16/24
to forecastfox-users

forecastfox was abandon once before October 6, 2012, Oleksandr is the reason it didn't die out then my hope is someone will step in to do the same again. if Oleksandr can no longer maintain this which I'm not sure has been proven here

Ozzy Helix

Feb 16, 2024, 5:48:22 PM2/16/24
to forecastfox-users
I do believe having others to help Oleksandr maintain the project isn't the worst idea. so when I suggested a fork I mostly meant having someone as a stand in until Oleksandr could come back and then we could have co-authors of the project so that its better maintained. that is the idea I am proposing


Feb 18, 2024, 2:27:12 AM2/18/24
to forecastfox-users
It's a pity. And the war will not end while the fascist Putin is alive. Unfortunately, I'm from Russia and I know what I'm saying(

среда, 14 февраля 2024 г. в 03:21:25 UTC+3, Gmail (lightreconstruction):


Feb 18, 2024, 2:30:22 AM2/18/24
to forecastfox-users
Gismeteo-is russian app and is potential spy

четверг, 15 февраля 2024 г. в 03:18:21 UTC+3, Jason Bourne:

Ellen Sleeter

Feb 18, 2024, 10:29:10 AM2/18/24
to AND, forecastfox-users
I agree that this gave me pause.  Including problems guaranteeing non-metric and English configuration, I decided to delete it.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Ellen Sleeter
Alden Park Manor, Philadelphia

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Coot Master

Feb 20, 2024, 10:44:43 AM2/20/24
to forecastfox-users
hi everyone  im trying a new  add on  by WEATHER UNDERGROUND  -  I DID FIND ITS ADD ON!
picture of white box w red arrow lines  and a 12 in white  with a blue badge  

provides local and long-range weather forecasts using Weather Underground

Weather Forecast is a comprehensive weather forecasting extension for your browser. It is powered by Weather Underground: "" Key Features: 1. Multiple locations support. 2. Shows the current weather temperature in the toolbar icon. 3. Shows 10-Day Weather Forecast in three different formats. 4. Shows a Radar map of the selected location, plus a lot more useful information. 5. Has global coverage. For bug reports please use: For FAQs visit: Change Log: 0.3.0 1. We are now using alarms and idle APIs and hence there is no running background process anymore. This makes this extension super light! 2. UI is revamped! 3. A few bugs are fixed 0.3.2 1. Fixes 0.3.3 1. Fixes 0.4.1 1. Fixes interface is not loading on the popup

Perikal Tolev

Feb 21, 2024, 6:07:46 AM2/21/24
to forecastfox-users
It's working again, Oleksandr fixed it finally !

Max Devlin

Feb 21, 2024, 6:30:34 AM2/21/24
to Perikal Tolev, forecastfox-users

Same here. Came up a few hours ago!

Tyler Fowle

Feb 21, 2024, 8:05:06 AM2/21/24
to forecastfox-users
Same as well. If anything, I'm hoping that means that Oleksandr is okay.

AAASaint Superb

Feb 21, 2024, 8:20:21 AM2/21/24
to forecastfox-users

Oleksandr Popov

Feb 21, 2024, 8:29:16 AM2/21/24
to forecastfox-users
Bonus: I also repaired the addition of new cities, but the free Google-API key has limits, so I don't know how long it will be works... :)

среда, 21 февраля 2024 г. в 12:07:46 UTC+1, Perikal Tolev:

Tyler Fowle

Feb 21, 2024, 10:35:53 AM2/21/24
to forecastfox-users
We're so glad to hear that you are okay. Thank you for all that you do, and please take care of yourself!

Coot Master

Feb 21, 2024, 10:37:57 AM2/21/24
to forecastfox-users

anyone know why  it broke

Chris Groszczyk

Feb 21, 2024, 11:30:15 AM2/21/24
to forecastfox-users
thank you @Oleksandr Popov for fixing, mine is working again!

Feb 21, 2024, 11:38:08 AM2/21/24
to forecastfox-users
Its working, but the temp is not correct for leesburg, florida

On Wednesday, February 21, 2024 at 8:29:16 AM UTC-5 Oleksandr Popov wrote:

Feb 21, 2024, 11:39:36 AM2/21/24
to forecastfox-users
I reloaded data and that gave correct data

On Wednesday, February 21, 2024 at 8:29:16 AM UTC-5 Oleksandr Popov wrote:

Coot Master

Feb 21, 2024, 11:40:52 AM2/21/24
to forecastfox-users
i tried reload still at 25*F


Feb 21, 2024, 11:51:14 AM2/21/24
to Coot Master, forecastfox-users
Ura! Slava Ukraine! I'm russian, from Petersburg

ср, 21 февр. 2024 г. в 19:40, Coot Master <>:
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Андрей Федорович

Gmail (lightreconstruction)

Feb 21, 2024, 12:11:29 PM2/21/24
I'm glad to see there's been action taken to reconnect ForecastFox(Fix) to Accuweather. I hope this means that Mr. Popov is okay and at least able to pay a bit of attention to his excellent software. Honestly I thought we might not see ForecastFox(Fix) up and running for some time. Also he said "free Google-API key has limits". I wonder if that means we're not getting Accuweather data. Anyway I think it would be great if we all show support for him by making a donation. There's a link in ForecastFox(Fix) - at the bottom of the settings page. I'm sure he'll appreciate it! And it'll make you feel good too!

Ozzy Helix

Feb 21, 2024, 2:37:47 PM2/21/24
to forecastfox-users
Oleksandr you've done it again! I hope you are well. Would it perhaps be a good idea to have other contributors to the project to help you with the extension?

Oleksandr Popov

Feb 21, 2024, 5:53:31 PM2/21/24
to forecastfox-users
Thank you!

With the outbreak of war in Ukraine, everything around me changed, priorities and an old lifestyle have changed.
I need to make much efforts to help relatives and friends with young children who remained, literally, without nothing.

I can say that I work not only for myself, but I am for many people around me.

I don’t know, fortunately, this, or unfortunately, but I is such a person: it is very difficult for me to pass by the tragedy around me. But I know for sure that I am not waiting for glory or financial benefit, I, as before, have enough to hear only "thank you".

Earlier I used to get "Thank You!" from users of my extensions, now I am happy to hear the quiet "thank you" from those whom I somehow can help.

No, I'm not complaining, this is probably just some kind of test in my life.
And very strong test for many residents of my country.
And I really hope that I will pass it worthy.

Now, it seems that the time has come when and I must tell you all my thanks.
Thank you for your supports, Friends!

среда, 21 февраля 2024 г. в 18:11:29 UTC+1, Gmail (lightreconstruction):

Chuck M.

Feb 21, 2024, 6:06:13 PM2/21/24
Thank you, Oleksandr.

Most of us here in America cannot fathom life in a war zone such as yours. Know that Ukraine is in our thoughts and well-wishes.

Slava Ukraini!
Heroiam slava!
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Ozzy Helix

Feb 21, 2024, 6:10:11 PM2/21/24
to forecastfox-users

as an American I can't begin to understand what you've been through but I support the Ukranian people in they're fight against the Russians. I just don't think you should have to do this alone why not have help maintaining it

Mr. Wonderful

Feb 21, 2024, 9:48:01 PM2/21/24
to forecastfox-users
Anyone have a link to download Forecastfox for Chrome? It's gone from my PC and not available on the Chrome Web store. Thanks.


Feb 21, 2024, 10:19:33 PM2/21/24
to forecastfox-users
Very thankful that you are ok.  Continued prayers for you, your family, and all of Ukraine!  Also very happy to have the weather forecast back.  It's the best!

Todd King

Feb 21, 2024, 10:29:52 PM2/21/24
to forecastfox-users
Now we all need to donate to Oleksandr for getting Forecastfox back up and running while in a war torn country.


Feb 22, 2024, 4:52:42 AM2/22/24
to forecastfox-users

Todd King 
I really want to support. But unfortunately, in our country, any transfer of money to Ukraine is considered by the fascist authorities as a “justification for terrorism.” And people get long prison sentences for this. All I can do is pray for peace and drink a glass for it

четверг, 22 февраля 2024 г. в 06:29:52 UTC+3, Todd King:
Message has been deleted

Todd King

Feb 27, 2024, 5:52:29 AM2/27/24
to forecastfox-users
@ AND  Well, I did my part and I donated a little for you as well.  It's terrible that power corrupts so many and makes them want to control the lives of the multitudes.  
Even in the supposedly "free" countries government tries to manage every little detail of their people's lives.

On Friday, February 23, 2024 at 9:02:43 AM UTC-5 Southparkpsychedelics wrote:

M100 Magic Mushrooms are characterized by their striking appearance.
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