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import not working

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David Rees

Jun 20, 2019, 12:07:14 PM6/20/19
to Folder Organizer
I have a new phone after my old one died. I have backup FO file from the old phone from Feb. Fo imports it without error, but it seems to actually import anything. None of my old labels are present and none of my apps are labeled. Any thoughts on how to troubleshoot?


Dave Elkins

Jun 20, 2019, 12:47:55 PM6/20/19
to Folder Organizer
Does the main screen even show your apps, & if so, does it show them in the uncategorized list?

Rees, David

Jun 20, 2019, 1:16:34 PM6/20/19
Yes, FO is working normally on that front. It sees all the apps and I can manually add them to labels. It's just that import doesn't seem to import my old labels or assign them to apps. For example, I had a label called "AA". After import I still do not have that label.


On Thu, Jun 20, 2019 at 9:47 AM Dave Elkins <> wrote:
Does the main screen even show your apps, & if so, does it show them in the uncategorized list?

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David Rees

Jun 24, 2019, 4:37:08 PM6/24/19
to Folder Organizer
Any other thoughts on this? I emailed support about it a week ago and have not heard back :/. Being able to restore from a backup is one of my favorite things in FO and why I keep using it. If I can't figure out the problem I will have to move to something else that I can restore from (maybe Nova).


On Thursday, June 20, 2019 at 10:16:34 AM UTC-7, David Rees wrote:
Yes, FO is working normally on that front. It sees all the apps and I can manually add them to labels. It's just that import doesn't seem to import my old labels or assign them to apps. For example, I had a label called "AA". After import I still do not have that label.


On Thu, Jun 20, 2019 at 9:47 AM Dave Elkins <> wrote:
Does the main screen even show your apps, & if so, does it show them in the uncategorized list?

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Dave Elkins

Jun 24, 2019, 5:15:42 PM6/24/19
to Folder Organizer
No ideas. I found Nova's folders within the app drawer cumbersome to build. The closest to Folder Organizer is JINA; you can build a deep hierarchy of nested folders; it also has swipe-out sidebars for "all apps" & "favorites" . Second choice is Glextor. It will handle only a 2-level hierarchy (folder in folder). It however has a unique Repository feature which retains the appstore link & icon of an app after it is uninstalled.


Jun 24, 2019, 6:33:15 PM6/24/19
to Folder Organizer
Do either of those apps have a function to import from FO?

Dave Elkins

Jun 24, 2019, 6:46:49 PM6/24/19
to Folder Organizer
JINA has a separate beta app;haven't used it.

Apr 8, 2020, 2:25:00 PM4/8/20
to Folder Organizer
I really like the Nova launcher App list organization options
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