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"Direct Call" items/shortcuts no longer work -- plugin no longer available.

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May 8, 2018, 6:56:50 PM5/8/18
to Folder Organizer
My wife and I have been using the paid version of Folder Organizer for quite some time on our two phones.  We just upgraded to Galaxy S9 pluses and discovered that the "Direct call" feature no longer works.  The "Direct call" item category is still available when adding items to labels -- i.e. I can create a label and add a number of Direct call items to it, but when I click on one to use it, this message pops up:

"Direct call app

Since version 3.5.1 you need an external app to enable direct call in Folder Organizer, it's available for free in market"

It offers two buttons, "Store" and "Cancel."  If I click "Store," the Google Play store opens and says "Item not found - Retry."  Retrying just keeps bringing up the same message.  When I search the store for all apps created by Fabio Collini, the Direct call plugin is no longer listed.

In other words, the program is telling me that the direct call app/plugin is still needed, but this is no longer available on the store.  Does anyone know why it was removed?

Note that I also tried creating direct call "shortcuts" from within Folder Organizer, but they result in the same behavior.

Has anyone with a newer phone found a way to get the direct call feature in Folder Organizer to work?  I sent multiple messages to the developer (both via the "contact" form and emails to the address listed on the play store), but have not received any response.  The last update to Folder Organizer was in April of this year, so it appears to still be a current app, but with zero response to multiple support requests, the situation is disheartening.  I really like the direct call function in Folder Organizer due to the extra features it has over the built-in Android folders (such as displaying a "list" rather than a "grid," or the way it closes the folder after using it, etc.) so not having this feature defeats one of my main uses of this program.

Thanks for any feedback on this,

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