Seeking sample SR (Basic Text structured report).

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Rachel Cohen Yeshurun

Apr 14, 2021, 1:21:13 AM4/14/21
to Fellow Oak DICOM
I am a C# developer - goal is to convert an XML file to DICOM.
I haven't found a way to do this using the Fellow Oak toolkit.

I thought that if only I had a Basic Text SR dicom document, I could reverse engineer it to see how to build a dicom file from a text file - and that would be good enough for converting XML to dicom.

Haven't found any SR samples online and the one link given as answer to a similar post a few years ago in this group does not work.

Rachel Yeshurun

Rachel Cohen Yeshurun

Apr 19, 2021, 8:50:07 AM4/19/21
to Fellow Oak DICOM
Thanks to 
I have managed to create a 'hello world' sample SR (attached)
It opens in MicroDicom viewer but not in the browser.
Perhaps the code used to create this sample SR is incorrect. In any case, since there is a dearth of information on how to actually build an SR using fo-dicom, here is some working code in C#

            var dataset = new DicomDataset
                { DicomTag.SOPClassUID, DicomUID.BasicTextSRStorage},
                { DicomTag.SOPInstanceUID,  DicomUID.Generate()},
                { DicomTag.StudyInstanceUID, DicomUID.Generate()},
                { DicomTag.SeriesInstanceUID, DicomUID.Generate()},
                { DicomTag.MediaStorageSOPClassUID,  DicomUID.MediaStorageDirectoryStorage },
                { DicomTag.MediaStorageSOPInstanceUID,  DicomUID.Generate() },
                { DicomTag.TransferSyntaxUID, DicomTransferSyntax.ExplicitVRLittleEndian },
                { DicomTag.ImplementationClassUID,  DicomImplementation.ClassUID },
                { DicomTag.ImplementationVersionName,  DicomImplementation.Version },
                { DicomTag.Modality, "SR" },

                // Create the root content item which is the title
                DicomCodeItem titleCode = new DicomCodeItem("121144", "DCM", "Document Title");

                // Prepare the one content item 
                DicomCodeItem textCode = new DicomCodeItem("111412", "DCM", "Narrative Summary");
                DicomContentItem textItem = new DicomContentItem(textCode, DicomRelationship.Contains, DicomValueType.Text, "Hello World!!");

                // Now we can create a special content item called a 'structured report'
                DicomStructuredReport report = new DicomStructuredReport(titleCode, textItem);

                // We need to add the dataset with all the patient, study, series stuff to the report (not the other way around)

                // Save the dataset to a file
                DicomFile file = new DicomFile();

                DicomIOWriter.DicomWriteOptions options = new DicomIOWriter.DicomWriteOptions();
                options.ExplicitLengthSequenceItems = true;
                options.ExplicitLengthSequences = true;
                file.Save(dicom_file, options);
            catch (DicomStructuredReportException exception)
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Error creating structured report ...");

Note that the code is missing the end of sequence delimeters tags. I haven't yet figured out how to add these. This might be why the innolitics browser can't parse the resulting dicom file.


Hanier Abreu

Nov 9, 2022, 9:57:26 AM11/9/22
to Fellow Oak DICOM
My name is Hanier, nice to meet you...
I was looking for information about dicom sr in c# and I found this code that you shared for the creation of a dicom sr in this language.
I would like to have your help if possible since I am developing my undergraduate thesis on this topic.
I am working on a platform that uses C# as the programming language.
The idea is to get that system to create DICOM SR and also digitally sign them.
But the problem is that I can't find a C# library that has implemented methods that solve my problem.
I found a library (DCMTK) that does everything I need, but it's developed in C++ and I don't know how to use it for C#.

Thanks in advance for your help

Maximiliano Schimmel

Sep 12, 2024, 4:30:58 PMSep 12
to Fellow Oak DICOM
Thanks a lot for your explanation.
I can see your example and I'm working on it.
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