Paper available online about FMA-OWL

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Christine Golbreich

Jul 25, 2010, 5:50:16 AM7/25/10
to Alan Ruttenberg,, GROSJEAN, Julien, DARMONI, Stefan, Olivier Dameron
In case some of you have not yet heard about it, a submitted paper
published as a CNRS report a while ago
It presents our work on FMA-OWL describing our method of conversion
and heuristics to provide semantics based on names pattern (left_ etc.
, regional_part, regions etc.) + the tool to make it

available online at:

FMA-OWLizer : a tool to get your FMA-OWL customized ontology on the fly

Sorry not having sent to the list earlier, unfortunately I am not
available because of serious health issues.



2010/7/25 Christine Golbreich <>:
> Tout ceci ressemble curieusement aux idees de notre article
> cdt
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Alan Ruttenberg <>
> Date: 2010/7/25
> Subject: some more questions about arteries/trunks
> To: fma-owl-2009 <>
> (1) If I understood things, an artery in the FMA sense is a tree, and
> includes all the branches (transitively). A trunk, on the other hand
> is a regional part of tree that I thought is a part that doesn't
> include branches - i.e. has a tube shape.
> However there are items like Thyrocervical trunk which has branch
> relations to arteries. Since branch implies part, that would
> contradict that an arterial trunk is disjoint from an artery, since a
> trunk with branches would be a (sub)tree.
> --
> (2) There are a number of terms, particularly in the arteries, that
> are called something like "Variant xxxx". In addition there is a class
> Variant Artery, which isn't the parent of all these terms. An example
> is Variant superficial cervical artery. What does variant mean in
> these cases? A full list is at the end of the message.
> --
> (3) While browsing I came across and absent parts, so I searched for
> any more. Here is the list. I presume these should be deprecated?
> Absent thoracic duct
> Absent left common carotid artery
> Absent ostium of left coronary artery
> Absent ostium of right coronary artery
> Absent cisterna chyli
> Absent left coronary artery
> Absent right coronary artery
> --
> (4) In an earlier message (e.g. I
> discussed adding axioms that "left" things have parts that are only
> "left things" and similarly for right.
> There are apparently legitimate cases in the vascular tree that don't
> follow this rule. An example is Basilar artery, which is a branch of
> both the left and right vertebral arteries, and which in turn branches
> out into e.g. both the Left and Right posterior cerebral artery.
> Would it be possible to identify the set of such legitimate cases so
> that I can modify the left/right axioms to allow them?
> I note that there is not an attributed part relationship that marks
> the basilar artery as a shared part. Should there be?
> -Alan
> List of terms with "Variant" in their name, that are subclasses of
> Region of vascular tree
> Branch of variant right bronchial artery
> Left variant dorsal scapular artery
> Left variant superficial cervical artery
> Left vertebral artery (variant)
> Middle lobe branch of variant right bronchial artery
> Middle lobe branch of variant right first bronchial artery
> Middle lobe branch of variant right second bronchial artery
> Right anterior basal branch of variant right bronchial artery
> Right anterior branch of variant right bronchial artery
> Right apical branch of variant right bronchial artery
> Right lateral basal branch of variant right bronchial artery
> Right lateral branch of variant right bronchial artery
> Right lower lobe branch of variant right bronchial artery
> Right lower lobe branch of variant right first bronchial artery
> Right lower lobe branch of variant right second bronchial artery
> Right medial basal branch of variant right bronchial artery
> Right medial branch of variant right bronchial artery
> Right posterior basal branch of variant right bronchial artery
> Right posterior branch of variant right bronchial artery
> Right superior branch of variant right bronchial artery
> Right upper lobe branch of variant right bronchial artery
> Right upper lobe branch of variant right first bronchial artery
> Right upper lobe branch of variant right second bronchial artery
> Right variant dorsal scapular artery
> Right variant superficial cervical artery
> Segmental branch of variant right bronchial artery
> Thyroidea ima artery (variant)
> Trunk of circumflex humeral artery (variant)
> Trunk of variant atrial branch of left coronary artery
> Trunk of variant coronary artery
> Variant artery
> Variant atrial branch of left coronary artery
> Variant branch of right coronary arterial tree
> Variant bronchial artery
> Variant coronary artery
> Variant dorsal scapular artery
> Variant pulmonary artery
> Variant right bronchial artery
> Variant right first bronchial artery
> Variant right second bronchial artery
> Variant right third bronchial artery
> Variant segmental branch of left pulmonary artery
> Variant segmental branch of pulmonary artery
> Variant segmental branch of right pulmonary artery
> Variant segmental vein
> Variant subsegmental branch of left pulmonary artery
> Variant subsegmental branch of pulmonary artery
> Variant subsegmental branch of right pulmonary artery
> Variant superficial cervical artery
> Variant supraduodenal artery
> Variant systemic artery
> Variant third left pulmonary vein
> --
> Christine
> Please do not print this e-mail unless you really need to. Wasting
> paper costs trees and releases carbon into the atmosphere.


Please do not print this e-mail unless you really need to. Wasting
paper costs trees and releases carbon into the atmosphere.

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