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May 6, 2013, 10:32:58 PM5/6/13

     So apart from the conscious mind (or waking or conscient mind) and the subconscious mind, we have the Superconscious mind.  Not surprisingly this area of Mind is so vast that infinite seems the appropriate adjective.  Anyone involved in a spiritual practice will have a Superconscious self even if it is just an infant or toddler self.  Everything in the waking mind has it origin in the superconscious realm.  This might sound a bit like Platonism.  But in addition there are districts of the superconscious that have no connection to this world.  This also might be very suggetive of tales in the Buddhist Sutras or the Indian myths. 
      In any case these superconscious I's also have a distinct quality so that different persons will see things very differently.  In which case we might imagine a superconscious version of the Meyers-Briggs test.  Of course it would have to be far more elaborate.  And perhaps it would be of no value.  If  you consider the manifestations of the various authentic spiritual teachers they are quite varied.  While there is general agreement, beyong that their teachings are quite distinct.
      While there is One One there are many Superconscious Egos.  Generally it is not advisable to spend time in this realm until after one has learned the Truth.  Otherwise, one could spent years exploring and still be stuck in dualism.  However, once one is established in this realm all space and time are potentially available.  If  one wants to know the inside of an atom he could have that experience.  Quite possibly Neils Bohr did.  The problem though is bringing the knowledge down into a much narrow realm.  But certain remarks made by Bohr might lead one to believe he made regular visits to this unusual realm.  Or, say one wanted to have a deeper understanding of Plato.  No problem.  Simply contemplate the exact area and go there.  And go inside the mind of Plato.  Or Kant.  Or whomever.  This sounds easy but it takes years of disciplined living to develop the necessary skill.  Surely FMW did this regularly.  And when things started to happen he would write them down or put them on audio.  But it has be done right away or the messages vanish.  Or one just drops back into everyday consciousness.
       In principle this realm could be described in language only it would require a new language.  Otherwise the experiences will not fit into our worldly languages.  These experiences are too different.  Like dreams these experiences are nearly impossible to remember in any detail. 
       Finally when persons accurately see the future they have glimpsed it here.  The Akashic records.  All time is spread out.  One can visit the distant past.  Or a century from now.  This should not be confused with those who read the astral plane which reveals the near future. Nonetheless doing so can cause problems.  Thus one has to be extremely careful in his or her adventures in the superconscious. 
       When we look through history at remarkable souls like da Vinci it gives us an idea of where their ideas came from.  Someone people with rather ordinary egos nonetheless have a corridor which connects them to this higher consciousness.  Music comes to mind.  A composer or artist may be rather immoral and still bring forth great beauty.  It is entirely likely that the persons most responsible for founding the USA had these connections to the higher mind and used the guidance they received.  This was unusual which is why that revolution worked out when most do not.  Tesla is another remarkable instance of this relationship.  He was clearly a mystic.  When people like that find themselves in restrictive circumstances like a university or rigid corporation they have to leave.  For these reason the best minds are usually hidden from public scrutiny.  Their visions are too powerful for most persons who must denounce these persons as frauds.  Galileo comes to mind here.  The most difficult situations would arise for leaders who are inspired.  Somehow they have to lead people who can not handle their knowing.  But such do appear once in a while.  Ghandi. 
         This is also the realm where false Enlightenment can occur.  This Superconscious is so marvellous that one could believe he is liberated.  One peers in a golden mirror.  The reflection is sometimes mistaken for God or a god.  Which is not to say that the God in form is not an existent.  Ishvara is an example.  The great sages embraced both the Advaitist as well as the Davitists.  In the Superconsciousness one may meet Krishna or Jesus or Muhammad or one of the gods like Brahma.  Perhaps Aurobindo found Savatri there and decided to tell her story from her very lips. 


May 12, 2013, 8:46:39 PM5/12/13
So this post is not drawing much in the way of response.  But then what might a response be? 
In other news today . . . most persons in the West are attached, fiercely attached, to their Free Will.  And yet the idea is rather daunting to consider.  How would anyone have the wisdom to plan his or her next move?  The complexity and intricacy of karma behind each action.  And we might want to consider this  fact: every movement one makes has some effects that spead out without any limit.  Like the butterfly effect in weather and chaos theory.  Who hasn't witnessed a little word setting off a wildfire response?  Is free will really anything anyone would want if they really scrutinized what it means?  I do  not think so. 
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