Polish characters crashes application

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Jun 5, 2012, 6:48:06 AM6/5/12
to flyspray
Hi, I got serious problem with version. I changed language in
preferences into Polish (pl). When I try type one of "Polish
characters' into textfield, application shows me an error - this is
from adding new task window:

Query {INSERT INTO `flyspray_tasks` ( task_id, date_opened,
last_edited_time, project_id, item_summary, detailed_desc, opened_by,
percent_complete, task_type, item_status, product_category,
product_version, closedby_version, operating_system, task_severity,
task_priority, mark_private, due_date, closure_comment, anon_email )
VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)} with params
{2,1338892791,1338892791,1,Zgłoszenie testowe,ssdfjsghdjkf,
1,0,1,2,1,2,0,1,2,2,0,0,,} Failed! (Incorrect string value:
'\xC5\x82osze...' for column 'item_summary' at row 1)

Error shows up whenever I type one of this characters 'ąśńźćółżę'.
Some problems with encoding? Previous version worked fine. You can try
it by yourself - aleara-bugs.cba.pl

Scott H

Jun 6, 2012, 10:11:25 AM6/6/12
to flys...@googlegroups.com
I added this to the tracker, http://bugs.flyspray.org/task/1743 . It does look like an encoding error.

Scott H

Jun 6, 2012, 3:34:14 PM6/6/12
to flys...@googlegroups.com

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Robert <prus....@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 1:10 PM
Subject: Re: Polish characters crashes application
To: scott.h...@gmail.com

Thank you. I noticed strange thing. I tried different hosting (crapy free za.pl) and it works somehow, I can use polish characters. It can depend on 'magic_quotes' setting? On cba.pl it is on, on za.pl is off, but safe mode enabled. When I try to save task it shows

Completely unexpected exception: Expected response code 220 but got code "", with message ""
This should never happend, please inform Flyspray Developers

But I think its because of safe mode enabled (mail() function doesnt work). It should be mentioned in documentation. It's just a test hosting so I suggest not to add this to flyspray tracker.

I will try to look into code, if it isn't related to some converting functions I will use 'my magical function' to replace Polish characters to Unicode codes (&652; and similiar)
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