Analysis software

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Michael Cooper

Sep 17, 2012, 9:32:42 PM9/17/12

Hi All—


I’ll shortly be starting a new project—hoping to put together some improved/free analysis software for FlySight data files. As usual, the source code will be completely open.


I initially considered starting with Tom’s excellent work, but one of my main goals is to make the software cross-platform—something I think may be made more difficult by starting with Windows-centric software. What I have in mind is to build the software around C++/Qt.


I have a few initial goals for the software. First, I’d like to duplicate the functionality of the existing OS X FlySight Viewer—the ability to display simply plots—but I’d like to make a few changes:


-          Ability to display more than one plot at the same time.

-          Horizontal and vertical views of the flight trajectory.

-          Ability to highlight a point in one of the views, and have that point reflected in the other views.


Initially, the idea is just to create a straightforward and fast way to analyze FlySight logs after a jump.


Looking forward, there are a couple other things which people have asked about, and which I would like to incorporate into the software:


-          A way to modify the configuration file more easily/visually.

-          A way to generate a sound track given a FlySight log file.

-          Possibly, a way to synchronize that sound track with video, though that’s on the long-term list at the moment.


Ultimately, there are two main goals I’d like to accomplish here:


-          Make it easier to change settings on the FlySight.

-          Make it easier to debrief immediately after a jump.


Any thoughts/ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!



Tom van Dijck

Sep 17, 2012, 11:16:22 PM9/17/12
to, <>
Qt + C++ is a good combination for cross platform development. I chose C# mostly because it is a very effective language on windows and you get fast results with little effort. In c++ your productivity is generally a lot lower.

That said, my program works fine on Mac/Linux too if you install the mono toolkit, but it's not ideal.

However, at this point the majority of your customers use paralog, which is one of the reasons why I am no longer spending any effort on improving my app. Apart from just the lack of free time. 


Solutions Mann

Sep 18, 2012, 3:29:35 AM9/18/12

Have you considered using a program called Livecode by RunRev , looks very promising and is fully cross-platform






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