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Flying Pig

Oct 3, 2009, 11:20:33 AM10/3/09
Skip, here, guest hosting on Lydia's list something which I just put up to

Now that I'm within good phone reception (wifi, Vonage), I called the CG
number I'd posted here earlier.

After some lovely chatter about our gratitude for the *real* extraction we
enjoyed a couple of years ago, the desk guy called me back after looking up
the file.

It was, indeed, a concerned friend, one who's given me hands-on assistance
with a knotty problem I had aboard as well as email assistance on others of
the same ilk, and with whom I communicate fairly often, who called. Given
the realities of the time, a bit overreactive, and likely the friend had no
clue that a full-scale search would be launched as a result of his call.

However, when I was talking with the CG guy, and expressed horror and
remorse at the level of unneeded response, he said "Don't worry about it.
No big deal. It's what we do."

So, unless the CG contacts me for further info, that's how I'm accepting
it - it's "what they do" - and all in a day's work.

I expect that all the media was a bit like the game of "telephone" - info
started one way, and by the time it had been passed along, edited, enhanced
and otherwise molded for their purposes, it grew into a media event. LOL,
prolly even more folks we've never heard of will hail us asking us if we're
that famous Flying Pig (you'd have to read back in last years logs to see
what I mean in detail about that) :{))

Never a shrinking violet, like someone famous once said, there's no such
thing as bad publicity - only "NO" publicity. So, while it's embarrassing,
if you let it be so, I have always held the position that if it won't matter
in 5 years, or if I can laugh about it later, I'll laugh about it now. I
have to admit, it's been nice seeing that lovely picture, from Georgetown
last year, of our home shown to several TV audiences. Much better than the
one on the title page of my gallery :{))

Enjoying Manjack Cay, soon to go to Green Turtle Cay (see the spot page), in
the Abacos. Saw a couple of nurse sharks swimming up close and personal
yesterday on the beach inside the scoop at the north side, but no good
snorkeling and not the first fish on the line :{/)

L8R, ya'll

Skip and crew

Morgan 461 #2
SV Flying Pig KI4MPC
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"You are never given a wish without also being given the power to
make it come true. You may have to work for it however."
"There is no such thing as a problem without a gift for you in
its hand
(Richard Bach)

Lydia Fell

Nov 23, 2009, 10:34:06 AM11/23/09
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